About HMRC Is Shite

Welcome to "HMRC Is Shite" (www.hmrcisshite.com) which is dedicated to the taxpayers of Britain, and the employees of the HMRC, who have to endure the monumental shambles that is HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

This site (established in 2006) is a living monument to the incompetence and arrogance of ex Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who set HMRC up.

It shall be interesting to see if the Conservatives are able/willing to improve matters.

Please send in your horror stories (whether you are a taxpayer or employee) about your experiences of the HMRC to me Ken Frost.

This site can also be accessed via www.hmrconline.com


  1. Do you have sections dealing with VAT. I have got some humdinger cock ups from these arrogant "people".

    My business and records were seized and since then HMRC have been billing me for SA, NI and VAT and just threaten to get debt collectors. All of my assets have been taken and I am up shit creek and these "people " are making it worse. Help if you can

  2. why do the management in HMRC think it is their right to bully their staff, no matter what the persons problems are, well you can tell them from me, MY HANDS ARE NOT TIED. Im not scared of you

    1. Because, like all cowards, they believe you are powerless against them. They are reportedly also willing to cover up bullying and law breaking when it suits them. Talk of one manager breaking the criminal law and not even being disciplined (more likely rewarded) let alone prosecuted for their criminality. Happened with the full knowledge or Human Resources (they know who they are) and Senior Management (they know who they are).

    2. I worked for them a while agao and witnessed how they cover up bullying. If you rock the boat and complain you get ostracised in the office and treated like a pariah. One former employee committed a serious crime in public. This was no excuse for his actions but he said that he'd been under considerable stress in the workplace. HMRC pulled a lot of strings to keep their name and the reasons for his breakdown out of the public eye & media. It was attributed to a break-up with a former partner.

    3. So sorry to hear of Hmrc's bullying
      Hmrc bullies behave like common criminals.
      Nasty, low IQ, little scumbags.

    4. My late husband and myself were bullied relentlessly. My husband stuck up for himself and ended up getting the sack. To make things as difficult as possible for me they moved me to the team he'd been in and under the manager who had been instrumental in getting him the sack. I begged them not to do it but they just laughed in my face. When I suffered stress I was told to retire. I threatened to blow the whistle but they said I couldn't as I'd signed the official secrets act and I would lose my pension. The bullying was just awful. I still suffer from anxiety today which all stemmed from working in that place. My husband never recovered from the experience.

    5. I am conducting an investigation into the bullying culture at HMRC and came across this comment from a few years ago: "One former employee committed a serious crime in public. This was no excuse for his actions but he said that he'd been under considerable stress in the workplace."

      Is the comment author able to supply any further details?
      Perhaps a link to media reporting of the case? Thank you.

  3. The silence of all who are aware of this phenomenon is a shocking aspect of working life in this "free" country.

    1. I agree. I am a HMRC employee and am being bullied but I am fighting back and refuse to be bullied.

    2. hmrc have mental health advocates !!! but they have no help for people with mental health issues

    3. HMRC is full of corruption & lies ,
      Take no notice of advisors cries ,
      They make you feel like your job is a gift
      while sucking up to immoral companies like RIFT !!!

      HMRC is built on Fu**:<g lies
      We can beat them if we really try
      Full of young upstarts who like to lick Arse
      Revenue & Customs is nothing but a farce.

    4. HMRC is full of bullies and liars. Casual corruption is common e.g. enabling misconduct by fabricating evidence. The criminals in Civil Service Casework, Manachester who assisted HMRC in attempting to pervert the course of justice with legal matters in that regard, know who they are. One day they will be exposed as the dishonest criminals they really are.

    5. Useless with computers - so unsure where this'll go. I filled in paper forms; HMRC claimed they didn't receive these. It transpired they had lied (apparently my signature wasn't good enough). I was eventually talked into the online process - which involved at least two long numbers that had to be sent. Very complicated, especially as there's often a "this system isn't working at present". I filled in online as a back-up. I've now received a fine for late payment. Just what is the point in working?

  4. Pacesetter = bullying
    Pmr= bullying
    sickness attendance= bullying
    Redundancy threat= bullying
    Office closure threat = bullying

    1. 100% agree

    2. Work = Bullying

    3. Or, of course, totally reasonable request by your employer but some employees don't like it or can't be arsed! It's not all one-way traffic...

  5. HMRC really are the most incompetent of organisations it has been my misfortune to encounter. They insist on sending PAYE coding notices to an address that I have never lived at, the telephone "help line" is useless, the voice-recognition software cannot assist at all, and the hold music drives me round the bend. They cannot amend my address even if I send a letter, and after spending 15 minutes on "hold" I am not sure if I have the will to live any longer. Even if you want to complain you cannot speak to anyone - presumably because they are dealing with nobody or thousands of other taxpayers who they keep insulting by writing to the wrong address. What a shambles.

    1. have you tried signing up for a personal tax account so you can change your address online and opt for digital coding notices??? oops sorry think I just did that automatic writing thing..spooky

  6. totally agree they are useless and incompetant

    1. Simply update your address online

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. A freephone number is a lovely idea but HMRC received over 60 million telephone calls last year. With the current austerity agenda, there is literally no chance of a freephone line being introduced because although they are free for the caller there is a substantial cost to the organisation and the money simply isn't there. With the increasing shift towards online delivery, I can't see that changing.

      Incidentally, that is also the reason that you experience such difficulty in getting through to begin with; there are simply nothing like enough staff to answer the volume of calls at peak times. Every member of staff nationwide who is trained in telephony work is on the phones taking calls all day long, to the point where other areas of work which those staff usually deal with are abandoned for weeks at a time simply to get more bodies answering calls.

      Nobody in HMRC is sitting around reading the paper and giggling at the fact people have been waiting 40 minutes and more for an answer, or at the fact that they are waiting months for letters to be answered because the people who would usually do that are instead taking telephone calls. Most staff find it just as disgraceful as you do.

      Unfortunately the chief executive insists on spinning everything as being fine and dandy every time the public accounts committee ask her if staffing problems are at the root of the poor performance and with that attitude at the top, there is very little that those beneath can do.

  7. I have tried to talk to someone about my Self Assessment return 5 times now and I sit here on hold listening to very annoying 'lift music' that fades in and out. Luckily for me I am on Sky UK anytime calls or this 0845 number would be costing me 6p a minute! Shameful - this should be a freephone number. I have filled in my tax return and earned way under the tax threshold but am being asked to pay tax! Hurrah, my call was answered while I was typing this and the very helpful lady gave me another number to ring instead of the 0845 number : 0300 200 3310. Fingers crossed for the next time.

  8. I am under an IVA with the main creditor being HMRC. My business was slid out from under me by a rogue employee. The IVA has been in place for 4 years while I tried to sell my house in what is possibly the most challenging property market in recent years, however I now have an offer. The offer would allow everyone to be paid out in full, however HMRC are insisting that Statutory Interest at 8.5% pa is paid. Over the 4+ years of the IVA this has added over 35% to the existing debt. This makes successful completion of the IVA impossible, and means that no creditor will get their capital back, let alone any interest.

    My supervisor, is going to speak to HMRC tomorrow to see if there is anything he can explain further as they evidently do not understand that waiving interest means everyone gets their money back, whereas insisting that interest is paid ensures failure of the IVA, the reinstating of a Bankruptcy order and a payout of less than 50p in the pound. I would imagine the other creditors would be a little put out at losing half their money due to HMRC's attitude.

    As someone who has been self employed for over 25 years and put both my children through private school, University, employed people and has paid plenty tax, I am curious to find out what the motivation is for an HMRC employee to make a decision to accept less money than is due, when the full amount has been offered. I am not entitled to any form of benefit as I was self employed and now I can see no way forward as HMRC seem to be unable to see any reason.

    1. Incorrect incorrect incorrect. HMRC do not charge interest at 8.5% p.a try 3% - taxes management act 1975 - and if you can get a loan from a finacial institution who can beat that interest rate go ahead. Im sure HMRC will be delighted that you are then able to meet your OBLIGATION to the country by paying your OVERDUE tax bill :)

    2. In the 4 years leading to my VAT inspection I received 0% interest on the balance in my business account. Like all businesses, we get NO interest on balances from banks on business account. Why then do HMRC have the right to ask for 3% - where is this supposed to come from? It's just another tax isn't it because we never made this money by virtue of leaving in in our bank account and with interest rates at sod all HMRC certainly didn't lose 3%. I'd argue we saved them money by not giving to this government as they would only have thrown it away sooner!

    3. You're comparing apples with pears.

      The 3% is on late payments. That means it's the rate they effectively lend to you at. Try getting an overdraft rate from a bank (for more than a couple of hundred quid) that's in single figures!

      Meanwhile, they pay 0.5% on overpayments - i.e. where they're effectively borrowing from you. This is the better comparison to the 0% interest you get on credit balances from your bank.

      Given that people aren't meant to be encouraged to use HMRC as a bank, and that the interest rates are supposed to be punitive, they're actually far too generous to serve their stated purpose.

      Stew G

  9. you are making the mistake of thinking that HMRC care, and that they actually KNOW what they are doing. read through this site to see exactly what you are trying to deal with.

    1. Yes everything you read here is of course absolutey true. Newspapers dont tell lies either. Behave ya self...most of the shite on this site is bitter twisted views by discruntled customers. Not biased in the slightest.

  10. some idiot gave this publically funded department COMPLETE power and ZERO accountability to the people that pay their wages. they treat employees like crap, so why are we surprised when they pass it on to us?

    1. Goverment department mate. Government legislate...department is OBLIGATED to follow the legislation. HMRC has no more power than you or I. Your problem is with the incapable morons that we voted to run the country (or in this case the morons we didnt vote for).

  11. I have joined the HMRC unfortunates. I noted with great surprise my tax code has been sliding downwards over the past 2 years when the trend appears too be the opposite. I tried calling HMRC again and again and eventually got through only to be told i failed my security questions and my account is locked. Strange as i know my name, dob, NI etc. I wrote in only to wait almost 2 months for the response that i am late with 5 years of self assessment, news to me! 2 weeks later a bill for £1600 How lovely...

    1. perhaps you did not give over the correct NI number. Amazing how many ppl just guess their NI and try to blag their way through the HMRC security, you would be amazed how many ppl have tried and failed. Perhaps if you took the thought that HMRC is actually protecting your account, you would not be so biased in your judgement.

    2. Sound like the wrong address was on the system to me.. that's why you failed
      And the must be a reason you has 5 yrs as outstanding

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. don't waste your time trying to talk to this department. contact your M.P. get the media involved AND raise an E petition on the government web site, shout from the roof tops about these idiots. The more we go public, the quicker it will be sorted. good luck with the fight.. because it WILL be a fight.......

  13. HMRC, my day in the life of an AO in HRMC. I deal in Debt Management every frigging day, I deal with the whinger's every day, can I have a TTP Time To Pay pretty please, oh lets not ask questions why the employer never paid over the employees tax and national insurance, oh no! No wonder your up sh!t creek after you spent their tax and ni on a holiday in barbados or shareholder dividends. It was all my accountants fault, or it was Sages fault ...it told me what to do. Well it told you wrong! Sack the feckless accountants, you pay them to f up. Why do employers never learn. Don't use Sage, don't use accountants. Lesson learned.

  14. Looks like someone's got a right shitty on. If you don't like it, then damn well get out. . With that customer service attitude I am surprised you are still only an AO and would have thought you would be further up the pole in the hierarchy of HMRC incompetence.

  15. Im self employed after redundancy , and in the Seven years of Self Emp the HMRC have been helpful. I found doing my own books and submitting an online tax return quite difficult but theyve answered my calls with politeness and been very very helpfull. Thanks HMRC

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. The comments on this sight do not surprise me at all. My neighbour works for the HMRC and she has harassed me for years. I cannot overstate how alarming her "High Conflict Personality" is. She is constantly aggressive, I caught her stealing my post from my letter box, after that a neighbour conveyed very personal details back to me. Previous tenants have gone through bell with her, She stalks me, has constant aggressive outbursts. I have to question the vetting system at the HMRC, as it is deeply concerning how someone so mentally and emotionally unstable has the responsibility and duty of care to the public.

    1. I would imagine that working for HMRC has perhaps made her that way?

    2. A paranoid Lin Homer?

    3. erm..I think your neighbours
      problem is a little bigger than her working for hmrc.. and also lots of unlikely people get through vetting for jobs..Donald Trump anyone?

    4. Can anyone explain why HMRC has so many criminally bonkers types working for them?

  19. I signed up as self employed to sell on amazon UK, on the online form I ticked I wanted a paper tax return as i wasnt comfortable doing it online for the first time.

    That financial year came and went, nothing heard from HMRC, until out of the blue a fine for late return dropped thru the letter box. I paid £100 as good will gesture, explaining that I requested paper version and not hearing anything assumed I was not expected to complete it at that time as they never sent one.

    They then said nothing they could do and I must fill out another form, which arrived 2 months later, missing a deadline date at which another charge would be applied for non-receipt.

    I phoned HMRC explained its there error and I should not be penalised further, where some girl on the phone said, we have not received it back before the date due, You have received a 2nd penalty. I told her it just arrived in this mornings post.

    Not interested, saying get it back ASAP. Posted it back same day explaining what had happend, received another penalty (3rd) for non receipt 2 weeks later.

    Phoned HMRC again, was told im sorry once its on the computer, nothing I can do.


    I have written to them since and been ignored, so now im ignoring them. They want to be funny, I will be funny back.

    1. Trouble is nobody at HMRC knows there jobs.
      You'll get better advice from Google than these incompetents.
      After 15 mins on hold you get thru to a demotivated employee who does not sound like they want to be there

  20. I work for hmrc , the training is sub-standard , managers are stat managers who know less than those on the phones and that's why if you ask for a manager they will say no-one is available and offer call back , that way the manager can go around and ask others for the answer , then call the customer and claim that they, the manager have resolved it .... hmrc has a culture of bullying it's staff and managers will close ranks to protect their own incompetent bullying ... if you doubt me ... rung and ask for a manager I promise you won't get one there and then ... as staff , if we raise problems they get brushed off... m6 advice to customers is keep a record of who they talk to and date n time and who the advisors manager is .. send all documents recorded delivery post and dont get angry just be rational and quote facts but be ready for a long hall.. they will not admit they are wrong .. staff are told not to accept blame but to say a manager will call back or but in a complaint .

    1. So bloody true.they told me I could claim back 20% on my net pay pension which wasn't true as I need a relief at source pension.so I'm £3500 down because of their shit advice.i can't swap over pension or move it or even get it paid back.w@nkers the lot of them

  21. Not willing to spend more time than necessary talking about the mess that HMRC is. Some of the staff on the phone is really helpful and non judgmental that though does not compensate for the vast majority of tools working there and thinking that they are members of the foo king GESTAPO. Their website does a better job than any dyson will ever achieve the computer knows something that the staff doesn't and vice versa. And they want me to TRUST this utter wank?!

  22. why the survey done ONLY NOW? This shows HMRC need more funding and it is very important to go after TAX Avoiders and cheaters... HOPE HMRC CRACKS THEM AND GET THEIR 3.2BILLION SOON. Next should be after IR35 CHEATERS in PVT AND PUBLIC SECTOR

  23. Just like any other government department they are a law unto themselves and just do what the hell they like. My solicitor has been waiting months for a reply from them - it is inexcusable - and reading the above, I don't CARE about how they are organised and oh they have to answer the phone. So did I. It didn't take me months to respond to correspondence. H.M.R.C.? should be J.O.K.E.

  24. I am an ex staff member of HMRC. They violently bullied me out of the organisation after service spanning 3 decades (there are some extremely dangerous people amongst the management)...for having the temerity to stand up to their bullying & harassment, law-breaking and the dishonesty of management. I was left no option but to instigate legal proceedings - they have appalling manners and psychopathic traits, so my reasonable attempts to resolve the matter directly with them got nowhere. Unfortunately delays in replying to letters when anyone takes on this out of control organisation appears to be one of their many abusive & unfair tactics - my counsellor has suggested at least their underhand tactics are an inverted admission that they have something to hide. I paid a huge price with my health for taking on this monstrous organisation - but will not be deterred from exposing the uncomfortable truth about their misconduct, in the public interest.

    1. What comes around, goes around. Hopefully if you have been treated as badly as HMRC employees (maybe even you) have abused me over the years then I am so happy to hear of your treatment.

  25. If any HMRC staff are unhappy about being forced to implement Loan Charge legislation which has caused 7 suicides, then please contact https://www.hmrcloancharge.info/hmrc-whistleblower-portal/

    1. There are many HMRC staff, past and present, unhappy about all manner of things. If the department is committing misconduct, whether against taxpayers or their own staff, then the public should know and due process should follow.

      As a former HMRC officer, I have some degree of sympathy with the effects of the retrospective nature of the Loan Charge issue. And, as a victim of HMRC's violent and unlawful staff bullying culture, I have a great deal of empathy with anyone feeling injustice.

      Would I align myself with the Loan Charge victims? Sadly not. Here is a comment from a 'victim': "I'm also very thrilled to read that bosses at HMRC bully their own employees. It gives me great satisfaction to know that the very same individuals at HMRC who have threaten and bullied me since 2007 (13 years on going) are made to feel bullied and victimised. They all deserve any bad treatment they get from HMRC managers and do hope that they feel part of the stress, anxiety etc that they themselves have put me through for the past 13 years of my life".

      When trolls are coming onto forums like this to make spiteful comments which, if we're all being honest with each other here, they would lack the cojones to say face to face in real life, then their lack of personal integrity is on display for all to see.

      By all means, follow due process and resolve the matter in accordance with the rule of law. Good luck to you if you have a genuine case. But when people from your 'campaign' are making cowardly comments, which may not be representative of everyone and could well simply be a sad and bitter little tax cheat unable to handle the consequences, then expect no help.

  26. Fell across this article by accident and thrilled to read how others feel about the way in which HMRC bully and use threats against small business people and victims of their their own in house cock-ups.

    I'm also very thrilled to read that bosses at HMRC bully their own employees. It gives me great satisfaction to know that the very same individuals at HMRC who have threaten and bullied me since 2007 (13 years on going) are made to feel bullied and victimised. They all deserve any bad treatment they get from HMRC managers and do hope that they feel part of the stress, anxiety etc that they themselves have put me through for the past 13 years of my life.

    well done HMRC bosses, keep up the good work bullying your staff because they really do deserve everything you can through at them.


    1. couldnt agree more. HMRC call centre staff and complaint managers need to be given every bit of the big stick that they truly deserve. A complete inept bunch of idiots, every last one of them. Clearly they couldnt make it as teachers so ended up on the next level down as hmrc employess. I wouldnt pay any of them with washers.

  27. Well where do I start with all the violent bullying in HMRC, Staff are treated like a number management are bullys liars and if face doesn't fit they will do whatever they can to make it hard for you to get you out the door theres a reason there always employing. Scumbags. HMRC are led by donkeys, they bully and intimidate staff and expect them to lie and cheat "customers". I worked for Customs as it was then the Inland Revenue took over and brought very questionable tactics with them. They believe they are superior and entitled, but with no justification. There is a culture of treating both staff and the public with contempt. They promote people based on whether they can write a good story rather than demonstrate they have the qualities and abilities to do the job. There is no such thing as quality anymore and its all about who you are friends with. Terrible place to work do not go there unless you want to be inflicted with heart problems and suicidal ideation - for these nutters have no morals

  28. Please what about the sexual harassment by your own boss who you nicely asked to Stop wouldn't getting too much fun and acceptance from colleagues cost he wrote their reports. It nearly made me loose my mind with anxiety. He now works for a mental health charity. He knows who he is hope no vulnerable person is counselled by him waste of space

    1. Laughable another bully is a life coach. Such nasty nasty people l worked with making fun of people who were ill God help you if they finger out you had depression and were vulnerable. The staff personal sick records sat openely on desk anyone and everyone read your personal details then let you know. They felt entitled owned you body and soul horrendous people. Unless you worked there you would not believe what went on. They were like animals hunting prey. God forgive them l never will

  29. They must have invented keep your friends close and enemies closer but they were never your friends would have driven you over the edge for fun and cried at your funeral. Horrendous human beings but l am insulting humanity describing them as human they were animals 90% of them decent ones bullied

  30. Are you making this report public? I hope so. I was lucky to get retired on medical grounds although still a shell of person l use to be. I would gladly give you more information. You can appreciate why l want to remain anonymously the animals who work here have no morals no filter no feelings except their own.l agree would push you off cliff and cry at your funeral to get a couple of hours off.

  31. Trying to get a tax rebate from them. Been trying since January this year. Nobody answers the phone, nobody responds to the online stuff, letters are ignored as well. Eventually, I wrote to Jim Harra asking him to locate any one of the tens of thousands of people who work for him who is willing and able to do their sodding job. No reply as yet, but they are a total fucking shambles so I'm not holding my breath. Utterly useless !

  32. They have many freemasons who promote their lodge members
