Thursday 19 September 2024

Free Gear Keir's Tax Dilemma


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Tax does have to be taxing.

Tax Investigation Insurance

Market leading tax fee protection insurance for businesses, sole traders and individuals. Protect yourself from accountancy fees in the event of an HMRC enquiry.

Having a Solar Protect Tax Investigation Insurance policy at your disposal means that should you be one of the many 1000's of businesses or individuals that are selected by HMRC each year to look into your tax affairs your own accountant (your tax return agent) can get on and defend you robustly.

You have the peace of mind knowing that your accountant's (your tax return agent) fees will be paid by the insurance without any Excess for you to find.

Tax Investigation Insurance is an insurance policy that will fully reimburse your accountant's (your tax return agent) fees up to £100,000 if you are subject to enquiry by or dispute with HMRC.

A Solar Protect policy will enable your accountant (your tax return agent) to:

  • Deal with any correspondence from HMRC
  • Attend any meeting with HMRC
  • Appeal to the First-tier Tribunal or Upper Tribunal
  • Having the security of knowing that fees will be met in full will enable your Accountant (your tax return agent) to defend your position robustly

Please click here for details.

HMRC Is Shite (, also available via the domain, is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Wednesday 18 September 2024

LITRG Warns Online Sellers To Be Prepared For Chaos


As from January 2025 online selling platforms (eg Vinted, Deliveroo, eBay etc) will have to provide HMRC with information about the income of their sellers.

The Low Incomes tax Reform Group (LITRG) warns that HMRC has failed to do enough to make sellers aware of the fact they may need to file a tax return and pay tax on their online trading income. 

Although there is no change to existing tax rules, HMRC will have more information on who is earning income using online platforms and therefore may be more likely to find out who owes tax on their earnings.

Online Platforms – the changing landscape for the self-employed, argues that the new reporting rules – which caused widespread confusion when they took effect from January 2024 and fuelled the misconception that a new ‘side-hustle’ tax had been introduced – could cause chaos for taxpayers when the first reports are sent to HMRC and sellers in the New Year.

LITRG’s concerns include:

  • Sellers receiving information on their activities from platforms based on a calendar year of activity, not by tax year, making it harder to understand and calculate when tax may be due.
  • The lack of a standard reporting format, meaning sellers could receive different forms from different online platforms.
  • Reports being produced during one of HMRC’s busiest times of the year, when it can be hardest to access help. LITRG is concerned that sellers could ignore the information, creating problems further down the line.

According to HMRC’s own impact assessment, up to 5 million ‘businesses who provide their services via digital platforms’ – including the self-employed – could be affected by these new reporting rules.

LITRG is calling on HMRC to strengthen its guidance for those using online platforms. It wants to see the information HMRC and sellers receive standardised across platforms so users can easily understand it and report their earnings by tax year.

LITRG is also concerned that the exercise will uncover widespread non-compliance, especially when the reports are fully rolled out. LITRG argues that HMRC should take a ‘measured’ approach towards dealing with instances of non-compliance. While such problems may be widespread, the actual amounts of tax due may be small and in some cases, uneconomical to recover.

Claire Thackaberry, LITRG Technical Officer, said:            

There are just over three months to go until HMRC starts getting information about the income and activities of people who use online platforms to make money. We are concerned that we will see the same chaos and confusion that arose when the rules first came into effect.

Time is running out for HMRC to defuse this ticking time bomb.

The information that HMRC will receive from platforms will be presented by calendar year, therefore covering more than one tax year. This could make it more difficult to work out when tax is due. Many people will turn to HMRC for help. However, January is an extremely busy time for HMRC ahead of the self-assessment tax return deadline and this will make it harder to speak with someone.

Our concern is that people will either do nothing with the information they have been given or use it incorrectly, storing up problems for the future. HMRC needs to work with platforms and sellers to make this information as clear and easy to digest as possible so that people can comply with their tax responsibilities.

It is in no one’s interest for sellers to be non-compliant. Failing to pay the tax that is due threatens livelihoods and can impact HMRC’s ‘tax gap’, which is the difference between the amount HMRC expects to raise and the amount it actually gets.”

I predict chaos!

Tax does have to be taxing.

Tax Investigation Insurance

Market leading tax fee protection insurance for businesses, sole traders and individuals. Protect yourself from accountancy fees in the event of an HMRC enquiry.

Having a Solar Protect Tax Investigation Insurance policy at your disposal means that should you be one of the many 1000's of businesses or individuals that are selected by HMRC each year to look into your tax affairs your own accountant (your tax return agent) can get on and defend you robustly.

You have the peace of mind knowing that your accountant's (your tax return agent) fees will be paid by the insurance without any Excess for you to find.

Tax Investigation Insurance is an insurance policy that will fully reimburse your accountant's (your tax return agent) fees up to £100,000 if you are subject to enquiry by or dispute with HMRC.

A Solar Protect policy will enable your accountant (your tax return agent) to:
  • Deal with any correspondence from HMRC
  • Attend any meeting with HMRC
  • Appeal to the First-tier Tribunal or Upper Tribunal
  • Having the security of knowing that fees will be met in full will enable your Accountant (your tax return agent) to defend your position robustly

Please click here for details.

HMRC Is Shite (, also available via the domain, is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Friday 13 September 2024

HMRC Screws Up Student Loan Repayments


It seems that thousands of graduates are paying over the odds on their student loan repayments due to an HMRC.

An estimated 16,000 student loan holders have been overcharged by hundreds of pounds because of an issue that was first identified by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) last September, but remains unresolved a year later.

The problem affects student loan holders who pay taxes through self-assessment and receive benefits in kind from their employer, such as private medical insurance or a company car.

It arises because HMRC’s self assessment incorrectly includes these payrolled benefits in kind when working out the taxpayers’ student loan deductions. This results in the taxpayer overpaying by potentially hundreds of pounds.

The tax office says on its website: 

"Currently, our self assessment system is not able to tell the difference between these payrolled benefits in kind and the rest of the PAYE income. As a result, these are included in the student loan and postgraduate repayments calculations.”

Paul Slokan, of accountancy firm RSM, said: 

“As more employers have moved to payrolling benefits, it has become apparent that there is an issue in the self assessment system for those with student and postgraduate loans. Loan deductions are not due on payrolled benefits in kind that are not subject to Class 1 National Insurance.

As a result, a graduate earning £50,000 could be overcharged about £600 in one year,”

If a worker on £50,000 has a company car benefit worth £5,000 and private medical insurance of £1,500, then the student loan deductions should still be based on their salary of £50,000. However, in this example, HMRC’s self-assessment system would assume the graduate had an income of £56,500.

The majority of student loans have a repayment rate of 9pc. So a graduate earning £50,000 could overpay by £585, according to RSM’s calculations. HMRC said the median overpayment is £44.

HMRC has provided guidance on a temporary workaround on its website until it resolves the issue.

Mr Slokan added: 

"HMRC has provided a ‘temporary’ workaround on its website, but this relies on the taxpayer being aware of the issue in the first place which is unlikely to be the case for unrepresented taxpayers.

Twelve months seems to be a reasonable amount of time for HMRC to find a permanent fix to the problem.

The rising popularity of side hustles means that many employees now file for self-assessment as well as being taxed through PAYE.

An HMRC spokesman said:

"We’ve written to those affected to apologise, offer a refund and provide a temporary solution so no-one is left out of pocket.  

A permanent solution will take effect from April 2025.”

A snail's pace!

Tax does have to be taxing.

Tax Investigation Insurance

Market leading tax fee protection insurance for businesses, sole traders and individuals. Protect yourself from accountancy fees in the event of an HMRC enquiry.

Having a Solar Protect Tax Investigation Insurance policy at your disposal means that should you be one of the many 1000's of businesses or individuals that are selected by HMRC each year to look into your tax affairs your own accountant (your tax return agent) can get on and defend you robustly.

You have the peace of mind knowing that your accountant's (your tax return agent) fees will be paid by the insurance without any Excess for you to find.

Tax Investigation Insurance is an insurance policy that will fully reimburse your accountant's (your tax return agent) fees up to £100,000 if you are subject to enquiry by or dispute with HMRC.

A Solar Protect policy will enable your accountant (your tax return agent) to:

  • Deal with any correspondence from HMRC
  • Attend any meeting with HMRC
  • Appeal to the First-tier Tribunal or Upper Tribunal
  • Having the security of knowing that fees will be met in full will enable your Accountant (your tax return agent) to defend your position robustly

Please click here for details.

HMRC Is Shite (, also available via the domain, is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Monday 9 September 2024

HMRC's Misconduct Issue


Dismissals for gross misconduct at HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are at a five-year-high, data reveals.

So far this year, 179 tax office workers have been sacked for serious breaches of workplace conduct, an increase of 43pc since 2020.

This is the highest number in at least five years, according to figures obtained by The Telegraph in a freedom of information request.

Gross misconduct is behaviour so serious that it can warrant instant dismissal.

Examples include bullying, theft, intoxication, damage to company property, gross negligence or other behaviours that could harm the organisation.

At HMRC, it could include the unlawful disclosure of sensitive taxpayer information or fraud undertaken using company systems.

Earlier this year, a tax office worker was jailed for two years and four months after abusing her role to defraud the taxpayer out of £300,000 in child benefit.

Tracy Ashbridge falsely claimed three of her children were disabled and also submitted false tax credit claims for another 15 children. She used details from her work computer system of members of the public to facilitate some of the frauds.

The 179 workers fired for gross misconduct in 2024 made up over half of all 321 dismissals at HMRC, which employs over 65,000 staff. But in 2020, only 28pc (125) of all dismissals (441) were for gross misconduct.

An HMRC spokesman said:

 “All large organisations will face occasional issues with staff behaviour, and we take all allegations seriously to ensure we work in an inclusive environment that is friendly, tolerant and respectful.

All our employees must ensure they follow our code of conduct alongside the civil service code, with breaches looked into and if necessary investigated, potentially resulting in dismissal.”


Tax does have to be taxing.

Tax Investigation Insurance

Market leading tax fee protection insurance for businesses, sole traders and individuals. Protect yourself from accountancy fees in the event of an HMRC enquiry.

Having a Solar Protect Tax Investigation Insurance policy at your disposal means that should you be one of the many 1000's of businesses or individuals that are selected by HMRC each year to look into your tax affairs your own accountant (your tax return agent) can get on and defend you robustly.

You have the peace of mind knowing that your accountant's (your tax return agent) fees will be paid by the insurance without any Excess for you to find.

Tax Investigation Insurance is an insurance policy that will fully reimburse your accountant's (your tax return agent) fees up to £100,000 if you are subject to enquiry by or dispute with HMRC.

A Solar Protect policy will enable your accountant (your tax return agent) to:
  • Deal with any correspondence from HMRC
  • Attend any meeting with HMRC
  • Appeal to the First-tier Tribunal or Upper Tribunal
  • Having the security of knowing that fees will be met in full will enable your Accountant (your tax return agent) to defend your position robustly

Please click here for details.

HMRC Is Shite (, also available via the domain, is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Wednesday 4 September 2024

The White Heat of Technology - The Future Role of AI in HMRC


How AI and Data Analysis are Revolutionising HMRC's Human Resources

In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analysis into various sectors has been transformative, and the field of taxation is no exception. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is exploring how these technologies can address its human resources challenges and enhance its operational efficiency.

The Role of AI in Taxation

AI has the potential to streamline many of HMRC's processes. By automating routine tasks, AI can free up human resources to focus on more complex issues that require human judgement and expertise. For instance, AI can handle data collection and initial analysis, identifying patterns and anomalies that might indicate tax evasion or errors. This allows tax professionals to concentrate on decision-making and strategic planning.

Enhancing Efficiency with Data Analysis

Data analysis complements AI by providing deeper insights into vast amounts of information. HMRC can use data analytics to predict trends, assess risks, and make informed decisions. This is particularly useful in identifying businesses that are at risk of tax evasion and targeting them for audits. By leveraging data analysis, HMRC can allocate its resources more effectively, ensuring that efforts are focused where they are most needed.

Addressing Human Resources Challenges

One of the significant challenges HMRC faces is managing its human resources efficiently. With the integration of AI and data analysis, HMRC can optimise its workforce by automating repetitive tasks and reducing the workload on its employees. This not only improves productivity but also enhances job satisfaction by allowing employees to engage in more meaningful and intellectually stimulating work.

The Future of Taxation

The future of taxation lies in the seamless integration of AI and data analysis. As these technologies continue to evolve, they will provide HMRC with more sophisticated tools to manage its operations. This will not only improve efficiency but also ensure compliance and fairness in the tax system. By embracing these innovations, HMRC can better serve the public and maintain its position as a leading tax authority.

In conclusion, AI and data analysis hold great promise for addressing HMRC's human resources challenges and enhancing its overall efficiency. As these technologies become more advanced, their impact on the field of taxation will only grow, paving the way for a more efficient and effective tax system.

Well, good luck with that then!

Tax does have to be taxing.

Tax Investigation Insurance

Market leading tax fee protection insurance for businesses, sole traders and individuals. Protect yourself from accountancy fees in the event of an HMRC enquiry.

Having a Solar Protect Tax Investigation Insurance policy at your disposal means that should you be one of the many 1000's of businesses or individuals that are selected by HMRC each year to look into your tax affairs your own accountant (your tax return agent) can get on and defend you robustly.

You have the peace of mind knowing that your accountant's (your tax return agent) fees will be paid by the insurance without any Excess for you to find.

Tax Investigation Insurance is an insurance policy that will fully reimburse your accountant's (your tax return agent) fees up to £100,000 if you are subject to enquiry by or dispute with HMRC.

A Solar Protect policy will enable your accountant (your tax return agent) to:

  • Deal with any correspondence from HMRC
  • Attend any meeting with HMRC
  • Appeal to the First-tier Tribunal or Upper Tribunal
  • Having the security of knowing that fees will be met in full will enable your Accountant (your tax return agent) to defend your position robustly

Please click here for details.

HMRC Is Shite (, also available via the domain, is brought to you by "The Living Brand"