Monday 13 May 2024

Diversity Bollocks To Be Scrapped - DEI Must DIE!


Responding to reports that diversity roles in the civil service are set to be scrapped, Joanna Marchong, investigations campaigns manager of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said:

“Taxpayers will be thrilled that ministers are injecting some much needed common sense into Whitehall.

Creating whole teams devoted to EDI initiatives has been a disaster for the public sector, which has spent vast amounts of money and time on needless navel-gazing, as public services deteriorate.

Politicians should now crackdown on these redundant roles at all levels of government, not just in the civil service.”

By happenstance a loyal reader has sent me the response from HMRC to an FOI on the subject of Diversity Network Chairs. 

Each network chair is allowed to spend 20% of their full time employment in the role. Grades ranging from Higher Officer to Grade 6 are currently involved with these roles. Their full time pay ranges from £35K to £81K, as such the Chairs are costing up to £16K per person, based on 20%.

Taxpayers' money spaffed up against the wall!

Tax does have to be taxing.

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HMRC Is Shite (, also available via the domain, is brought to you by "The Living Brand"


  1. Next, they need to scrap the Comms team. And why does HMRC need 4+ Twitter/X accounts to spout their worthless shite that nobody normal is interested in?

  2. A stolen meme...

    Diversity Equality and Inclusion. Or, how to fix a flat tyre by letting the air out on the other three.
