Tuesday 18 June 2024

Rewarding Failure - Arise Sir Jim Harra


Jim Harra, chief executive and first permanent secretary at HMRC, has been knighted as he received a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath, otherwise known as a KB, for public service in the King’s Birthday Honours.

This award for Harra is one of the highest honours in the land and goes to senior civil servants and members of the military ‘for exemplary service’.

Harra said: 

‘I have always been incredibly proud of the work HMRC does to support UK taxpayers and to collect the money which pays for vital public services.

This recognition is very much a result of the collective hard work of everyone at HMRC – and I am truly honoured to receive it, in what is my 40th year anniversary with the department.’

Also at HMRC, Alan Evans, director general and general counsel, legal group, who leads the litigation team, is given a Companion of the Order of the Bath honour for services to the government legal profession, to tax and to diversity.

BeeBee Rashida Giddings, higher officer at HMRC is given a medallist of the order of the British empire award for public service.

If anyone knows the reason why Harra has been knighted, given the mess that HMRC is in, please share it with us?

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  1. It comes with the job after a period of time. When he retires, which I expect won't be long, the revolving door will keep on revolving in to the constant stream of Directorship and Board positions.


  2. What a vile slap head.

    All those loan charge suicides and they knight this c*nt? No wonder our country is in such a mess and it'll only get worse when the low IQ socialists are installed as the government

    1. None of the above. People should be careful what they wish for. If voting made any difference they wouldn't let you do it. Just another WEF puppet to push an agenda.


  3. To be honest everything isn't as it seems don't know Jim Harra know The Revenue or as I call it Irreverence.Good guy Bad guy only HE knows. Karma catches up with everyone you can't escape it
    Treat people the way you would like to be treated yourself.Its easy no guilt.

    1. I'm not sure that it is possible to climb the greasy pole from top to bottom in HMRC like Jim Harra has without a good deal of brown nosing, back stabbing & arse kissing! I'm pretty sure those who have worked alongside him along the way have their own truths!

  4. Ex Inland Revenue then HMRC employee here....properly train and staff this organisation and you will get a good service....the merger of Inland Revenue and Customs & Excise killed these once decent departments.

    1. Had lunch yesterday with some people still in the department.
      Apparently some genius has just realised that if they bring back visiting and face to face meetings with taxpayers then revenue will increase.
      Who'd have guessed?
      Only problem is that the kids who've been recruited in recent years don't want to do it. Apparently can't cope with the idea of confrontation. Just want to communicate by letter and email!

  5. Inland Revenue l worked in was disrespectful to staff and taxpayers
    Sorry but that is the truth.

  6. The HMRC I worked in for 20 years had an emotionally violent bullying culture that wrecked employees lives. It also disrespected the taxpayers of the UK.

    This vile man, who has also presided over the loan charge injustice demonstrating callous indifference, worked in Inland Revenue and HMRC throughout the time the bullying culture got worse and worse.

    This man, and all the other repugnant failures knighted by the establishment, has played a part in the dismal public trust in the UK, which has given rise to the far right, Farage et al.

    1. Trying to blame HMRC in some way for the rise of the far right is desperately clutching at straws. The rise of the far right in the UK is due to a significantly large minority of the population hating foreigners. Especially foreigners (and fellow Britons) with dark skin.
      And HMRC hasn't existed for 20 years.

  7. Headline for The Sun:

    HMRC Blows It.


  8. Wish l could erase all the abuse l suffered at Inland Revenue.When l reflect l realise how morally wrong it was.I was young l could handle it now. I wouldn't care who sided with me or not it hardened me.

  9. Not the first and I'm sure that it won't be the last.


  10. Another win for the depersonalised, shit bag box tickers. Computer Says No.


  11. Easy money for the legalised gangsters.

    Any awkward questions get asked, just give the press the standard response:

    "we want the tax return not to issue penalties"

    Re use the same script in 2025. Rinse and Repeat.


    1. If a penalty has been issued incorrectly/illegally it will be overruled at tribunal.

  12. Angie Mack describes HMRC as a Data Business that does Tax?

    Greggs is a glass cabinet business that does sausage rolls.

    HMRC is about to shat more millions of our money I can guarantee you that.


  13. Exactly should be HMRC motto Rinse and Repeat. When l worked in Inland Revenue it was Give them nothing and tell them nowt. That's the training l got as a 17 year old in the 70s. So what has change

  14. When I worked in the Inland Revenue it was so much more professional than HMRC now.

    Corruption was rare then. Now it is rife. Staff were well educated. Now many lack the skills required for McDonalds. Senior Managers often rose from Revenue Assistant (E2) grade right to the very top. The modern HMRC appoints no-marks into senior positions, with their mickey mouse 'degrees' they typically display incompetence or cowardice, often both traits, and have been people amongst their number who are downright dishonest and corrupt.

    Whoever forms the next government, they should target HMRC for urgent reform. As a priority, they must restore competence, integrity and accountability to this failed misorganisation.

    1. Complete agree with the essence of what you say. There's an absence of intellectual rigour and curiousity by HMRC today.

      Sad to say, nothing will change when Labour are installed next week. They're a bunch of thick middle managers serving corporate interests and the global elite.

    2. Sadly integrity is now seen as weakness.

    3. Agree with above. Integrity is seen as weakness in HMRC. If you're honest with morals, you'll go nowhere in your career.

  15. Off topic - throwing this out there: does any political have plans to reform or abolish HMRC?

  16. *correction = any political party

    1. Why would any credible political party abolish the government's revenue collecting department?

    2. Any credible political party, perhaps the one running the new government, would want to deal with all the inefficiency, scandal and corruption at the revenue collecting department.

      The public need to have trust and confidence in HMRC. Currently, they do not.

    3. Try living in the real world. There is inefficiency in HMRC, but that is true in all large organisations, both public and private sector.
      The so-called scandal and corruption hardly registers outside of this site. Hardly anyone I know ever even thinks about HMRC, it's simply not an issue for the huge majority of the population.

  17. You are probably right unless you have worked for them and experienced the bullying in plain sight. Look at Strictly Come Dancing!!! Everyone has an opinion but only the true suffers live with it. Abuse at Inland Revenue/HMRC is real
    I was a victim and noone helped.In fact they enjoyed it.

    1. They really do employ some very mentally sick social rejects at hmrc

    2. No they don't.

    3. Yeah 'cos all the retards responsible for the HMRC bullying culture are all happy and healthy people...gullible fool

    4. Many people post on here because they are/were frustrated in their HMRC career, didn't get the promotion they thought they deserved, etc. That doesn't mean HMRC staff are "mentally sick social rejects" or "retards".
      Many people post on here because they have received a tax bill they didn't like or expect. That doesn't mean HMRC staff are "mentally sick social rejects" or "retards".
      Some people post on here because they have had a genuinely unpleasant experience with HMRC. That, unfortunately, happens with all large organisations and doesn't mean that HMRC staff are "mentally sick social rejects" or "retards".
      Nor are all HMRC staff "lefties" and "marxists" as some on here bizarrely contend.
      HMRC is a flawed organisation with very poor management which deserves criticism in many areas. But silly abuse, lies and exaggeration just makes it's critics look like internet saddos.

  18. Personally lve never worked with such a disrespectful bunch of people. Their verbal acceptable abuse by peers and managers is really disturbing. When l related my daily abuse to family friends they were shocked to say the least. Everywhere has bullies just like school but it should not happen in any workplace especially by managers egging on colleagues to join in. Check CK out Whyte report.

    1. I worked for HMRC and, previously, C&E for 40 years.
      If anyone had been verbally abusive to me a second time I'd have punched their lights out.
      I suspect your experience is not common.

  19. So it must have been my fault then for not retailing with violence As a woman l spoke to him and asked him to stop. He was my direct boss his answer so and so does it too.Likeca school bully.

    1. I always find that retailing with violence is a bit self-defeating. It tends to put the customers off.
      Seriously though, if you were so abominably treated what did you do after the unsuccessful conversation with your manager. Yet again we are only getting half of a story, if that.
