Thursday 11 April 2024

HMRC Spunks £4.5M of Taxpayers' Money Up The Wall on Woke Non Jobs

In an era where every penny of public expenditure should be accounted for, the recent revelation of HMRC's spending on 'woke non-jobs' is nothing short of a scandal.

A Misguided Spending Spree

HMRC, the body responsible for collecting taxes and ensuring financial fairness, has ironically been caught in a wasteful spending spree. A whopping £4.5 million has been squandered on roles that have been labelled as 'woke non-jobs'. These are roles add little to no value to the organisation or to the public it serves.

Here are the non jobs that our taxes are paying for:

  • Culture Impacting and Equalities Support
  • Senior Consultant for Equality Diversity
  • Values & Culture Advocate Lead
  • Wellbeing Project Co-ordinator
  • Culture Impacting and Equalities Support

The Cost of Irresponsibility

This £4.5 million is not just a number. It represents a colossal waste of public funds, funds that could have been better spent on improving public services, reducing the tax burden, or even paying down the national debt. Instead, this money has been frittered away on jobs that seem more focused on virtue signalling than delivering tangible benefits to the public.

A Call for Accountability

This situation calls for a serious examination of HMRC's spending priorities. It's high time that HMRC, like all public sector organisations, is held accountable for its spending decisions. The public deserves to know why such a significant amount of money is being spent on 'woke non-jobs' and what benefits, if any, these roles are bringing.

In conclusion, HMRC's £4.5 million spending on 'woke non-jobs' is a glaring example of financial irresponsibility. It's a stark reminder of the need for greater transparency, accountability, and financial prudence in all areas of public expenditure. 

The public deserves better, and it's high time that HMRC delivered!

Tax does have to be taxing.

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HMRC Is Shite (, also available via the domain, is brought to you by "The Living Brand"


  1. The Gravy Train trundles along with all the passengers travelling First Class.

    HMRC could give 9000 AO's £500 each for all the shit they have to put up with.

    Let's hope the Daily Mail starts asking awkward questions.

  2. Shit from management?

  3. GB News have picked up the story that Guido published.

    1. Excellent news. That means another 3 people will hear about it.

  4. This is exactly why I don't pay them anything. I work hard to provide for my family, not freeloaders. The more you give them, the more they waste on woke, crackpot jobs for the otherwise unemployable. HMRC disgust me.

    1. And you disgust me you tax-fiddling 'freeloader'.
      The tax you choose not to pay does NOT generally go to HMRC who are merely the collecting organisation.
      It goes to paying for the NHS when your family are ill or injured.
      It goes to paying for your children's education.
      It goes to paying for the emergency services when your family are in danger.
      But you'd rather contribute sweet FA to any of that.

    2. Oh dear, someone hasn't heard of private provision, including for health and education. We desperately need to ween some people off their reliance on living off the hard work of others. I don't expect to be handed anything from anyone. In return I should not be forced to pay for lazy workshy people

    3. Your own police force.
      Your own fire brigade.
      Your own road system.
      Your own armed forces.
      Your children's teachers and doctors not trained by the public sector.
      Like everyone else in this country you are "handed" many things on a daily basis.
      Stop digging a hole for yourself.

  5. I agree with the above.

    - The state should control education, justice, police, fire services, defence, roads, and essential infrastructure but pretty much NOTHING ELSE.

    - Those who work hard to send their children to private school should get a reduction to their income tax rate

    - Health should be entirely privately run, backed up private insurance

    - Benefits should cease for all but the GENUINELY sick and disabled

    - All the non jobs in the HMRC and DWP etc outlawed

    - The tax system simplified: VAT scrapped and income tax cut to a flat rate of 12% (with no personal allowance for anyone)

    The only way to get this country back on track is with radical policies that FORCE lowlife, workshy scum (whether benefits scroungers or civil service non-jobbers) to do something productive to contribute to society.

    Countries with a 'sink or swim' culture are the ones that succeed.

    1. People who send their children to private school have made a personal choice so I don't see why the rest of us should subsidize them via a reduced income tax rate.
      I wonder who gets to decide what are "non-jobs' and who are"workshy scum"? Hopefully not a hate-filled bigot such as yourself.

    2. Please can you point out where the "hate-filled" bigotry is?

      The real bigotry comes from lazy, far left layabouts who feel they should live off other people's hard work. Such people are indeed scum.

    3. Above comment @14:16

      Do ignore 09:32 he is well known about. Not only does he support a Big State he trolls HMRC victims of workplace bullying.

    4. Try reading back your own posts.
      Far left layabouts.
      Hard work of others.
      All out of the hate-filled bigot's playbook. I bet you think it's illegal to call yourself white or English as well.

    5. Oh dear, snowflake alert @13:44.
      Somebody who's "well known" AND supposedly supports a "Big State". Do you need counselling?

      And I don't troll victims of bullying by HMRC. I actually have great sympathy for them. I just don't like some of the liars who post on here.

    6. Replying to 09:32
      Your 'argument' is backwards. Hard working people who send their children to private school save the taxpayer a fortune already! It's fair that they should get a reward for doing so.

    7. Hard working people who choose not to have children are therefore saving the taxpayer a fortune.
      As are people who don't fall ill.
      And people who don't have to use the emergency services.
      Can they all have a tax rebate?
      If you make the decision to send your child to private school then that is your choice. It does not entitle you to freebies.

    8. I think it's disgusting that the Liebour Party threaten to put even more tax on school fees. Same old with those control freak globalists - always attacking hard working people with aspiration and trying to keep them in their place. Scumbags.

    9. "Even more tax on school fees"?
      There is currently no tax on school fees.
      If you can't afford the fees, don't send your kids there - simples.

    10. Labour is the political party for the parasitic HMRC employees

    11. "There is currently no tax on school fees".
      In the main, private school fees are typically paid for with income that has already been taxed. Liebour's proposal to impose VAT on these fees could be seen as double taxation, penalising hard working families who have already contributed through income tax. Labour only appeals to those who are jealous of others hard work, the ungrateful types who normally collect an income from the public purse paid for by those they hate

    12. "If you can't afford the fees, don't send your kids there - simples." People CAN afford the fees but NOT the imposition of an additional 20% VAT, money a Labour government would waste on the feckless.

      Why should successful people's children be forced to attend school with the children of the ever unemployed, with the disruptive social problems they bring with them? You have no shame.

      No child's education should be ruined to satisfy lazy, bitter people's politics of envy. Are you a member/rep from the PCS Union by any chance?


    13. @12:26 It is no more double taxation than any other purchase that incurs VAT. Can I have a refund on the last pint of beer I bought? No I can't. It has nothing to do with jealousy. It's simply a case of 'if you can't afford it don't buy it'. Every area of the UK has good quality state schools so there is no urgent need for pushy parents to bankrupt themselves by giving little Johnny a free pass to the top jobs.

      @12:39 You really are a truly horrible human being. If you genuinely believe that the 94.1% of the population who attend state school are, along with their parents, worthless, feckless scum then you need urgent psychiatric help.
      Or better still just emigrate to a country that you think is worthy of you and your family's brilliance.
      And no, I'm not a member of the PCS. What if I was?
      And if you were really such a fantastically brilliant, successful individual then you'd be able to afford the extra 20%.

    14. @17:44 17/04/24

      Another vile, twisted comment from you.

      Nobody said 94% of parents are feckless scum. However, those of us who work hard to support our children and private schools should not be forced into the state sector where children are co-educated with the bottom 10% who have entrenched social problems.

      Please don't worry about me, my personal finances are in exceptionally good shape. My worry is for the children of state school teachers, police officers, doctors etc who will not be able to afford the 20% Liebour will steal.

      Try not to get jealous but I earned well over 100K last year and paid an effective tax rate of 5%. I work hard night and day to reduce each clients' tax bill to the lowest possible amount to keep it out of the hands of the lazy, bitter public sector freeloaders

    15. @17:01 18/4/24.
      I thought long and hard about replying to your post as not only do you appear to be as thick as mince but you could also bore for Britain.

      Your view of state sector schools is utterly warped. The vast majority function well and provide a good education without pupils being dragged into some feral underclass which exists, if at all, in very limited urban areas. And you have posted on here in the past that you consider those educated in the state sector to be of low IQ.

      Please rest assured that I don't worry about you in the slightest. Just as you don't worry about anyone other than yourself.

      Your last paragraph - oh dear, oh dear. Where does one start. Your need to mention your annual income, which you obviously think is fantastic, comes across as a sign of both narcissism and insecurity. Let me give you a heads-up, nobody is interested and nobody is impressed. You remind me of Harry Enfield's "considerably richer than yowse" character, although at least he was amusing.

      Now please bore off.

    16. Brilliant: "lazy, bitter public sector freeloaders"...and then someone pops up to prove the well-made point 😂 🤡

    17. I'd have thought you were too busy earning your enormous salary to post on here.

    18. I don't earn a salary; salaries are for the wage slaves.

    19. Sorry, I forgot. The 94% of the population that you totally despise.
      Thank God that there are truly special people such as yourself around to make life tolerable.

    20. Eh, what? Making stuff up, typical embittered HMRC employee

    21. Yeah, sorry, I made up the bit about you being a truly special person. Well spotted.
      You have posted on here before of your contempt for those who are state educated.
      And I'm not an HMRC employee. Nor do I have anything to be bitter about. My life is just hunky-dory. Not as fantastic as yours, of course, but just fine.

    22. I'd never been aware of this site until last week, are you confused, is it a problem you need to speak to a doctor about? Along with the sick HMRC employees who get a sick thrill out of abusing taxpayers, need to see a shrink.

    23. Of course you weren't aware of this site until last week. Keep on repeating that and you might eventually believe it yourself.
      I'm not confused and you're a liar.
      Now why don't you just carry on spending your millions and bore off.

    24. Are new readers and commenters not allowed by you? It's Ken Frost's site...not yours!!! You are a troll.
      It's a shame you jump to conclusions and make baseless comments without knowing the full story. I most certainly aren't the person who wrote the comment at the top of this thread, but I do agree with them completely.
      Let's keep the conversation civil, shall we? As for the rest, I'll just keep doing my thing, thank you.
      If you can't be civil on an online platform, feel free to share your WhatsApp or email address, and we can talk this through one to one without the need for you to upset other people. You're the renowned ex HMRC worker who lurks on here - know your place in society.
      Bye for now, you tedious little man.

    25. New readers are indeed allowed, you're just not one of them.
      People who disagree with you are "lazy", "bitter", "sick" and all the rest but it's you that wants to keep the conversation civil????
      Sure, I'll post my private email address on here so that you can start a pile-on. Yeah, I'm really that naive.
      I'm the renowned ex HMRC worker who lurks on here - and how precisely would you know that If you're a new reader? I'll give you a clue, you wouldn't.
      And finally, what is my place in society and why?

    26. I am an ex-HMRC employee who was bullied out of the department. Find the comments about HMRC staff offensive but, at the same time, I'm in agreement with the comment about a specific HMRC pensioner who 'lurks' on here day and night. When I shared my story about how I, as a man in his 60s had cried upon being abused by HMRC colleagues, he took the piss and laughed. A nasty human being who has trolled me mercilessly in the past and is an apologist for HMRC's thuggery.

    27. I have not taken the piss or laughed at your problems.
      I have done two things.
      Firstly I have pointed out various inconsistencies in your various stories.
      Secondly I have asked why, despite your claims to have hard evidence of HMRC criminality, you have never done anything about it. Still waiting for a reply.

    28. What inconsistencies? Please be as specific as you can be.

      Oh wait, you can't...

      You are a troll, as multiple people have now identified.

    29. Well, your claims that you will fight HMRC to the last breath while doing nothing with your evidence of their criminality could reasonably be described as inconsistent. And you got yourself in a terrible mess over your female line manager sending her criminal boyfriend around to intimidate your family. But no, I'm not going to spend hours trawling through old threads for specific examples so knock yourself out on that one.
      The supreme irony is that I originally joined this site to join in with the well-deserved criticism of HMRC and it's higher management (not least the harassment of C&E staff by certain Inland Revenue managers). But faced by some of the internet fantasists on here I felt obliged to point out that not all HMRC managers are actively trying to drive their staff to suicide. As you will recall the reaction to this not unreasonable viewpoint was that I was a sex offender (against both sexes!) who took bribes off the accountancy profession. Very mature and very reasonable of you and your mates. Might almost call it trolling.
      And now we have privately educated, multi-millionaire Tarquin and his 'all HMRC staff are mentally retarded' schtick.
      If others on here behave reasonably then I wouldn't have any reason to respond.

    30. @12:55 Ignore the troll! It tells lies and abuses anyone who tells the truth about HMRC's bullying and misconduct, public sector inefficiency, public sector unions etc. Waste of time and space. To repeat: ignore the troll !!!

    31. @14:03 What a load of lies and incoherent rubbish.
      You keep taking them pills 💊💊 🤡🤡

    32. @15:36 I don't lie and am only spikey with posters who have been abusive to me.
      I think public sector inefficiency is scandalous and public sector unions are on the whole pretty useless.
      Another great post from yourself.
      PS#1 have you given your evidence to the police yet.
      PS#2 try checking the meaning of 'troll'.
      @21:14 no response then. Thought not. And very civil to boot.

    33. @11:10 "been abusive to me".

      That old rubbish again! You've been adding to the pain of HMRC abuse victims for a number of years.

      Part of the HMRC bullying culture as a HMRC employee, well known about in the department by all decent people.

      Rather bitter, and still dishonest, in retirement

    34. Great trolling Mr HMRC boot licker, typical HMRC employee 🥜🥜 I

    35. @11:10 "I don't lie"
      You lie constantly and gaslight victims of HMRC bullying on here. You were very well known for it when you worked in the department.

    36. "You were very well known for it when you worked in the department".
      So where did I work in the department? Fallen at the first hurdle!

    37. @19:03 27 April 2024
      Spot on 🥜 lmfao. There's a lot of nutty people working at HMRC

    38. Completely agree. It's the nutters at HMRC who do the bullying, which in turn means the normal staff succumb to mental ill health. Fucking arseholes.

    39. @11:10 not going to name you, nice try. And if we did, you would just start another unhinged series of personal attacks

    40. I'm not asking you to name me.
      I'm simply asking you to name the office(s) in which I worked.
      But you can't because you haven't got a clue.
      Feel free to describe the "unhinged series of personal attacks" I've launched in the past. Again, you can't.
      You're really not doing very well are you?

    41. They call me Stacey
      They call me her
      They call me Jane
      That's not my name 🎶🎶

      No, a rather nasty HMRC pensioner

    42. 30 April @09:52.
      So which office did I work in?
      And if ever I decide to get nasty you'll know all about it, sweetheart.

    43. "...if ever I decide to get nasty, you'll know all about it, sweetheart..."

      Spoken like a true HMRC bully, making veiled threats online now. You embody the HMRC bullying culture - no surprise that you're the same man who's acted as an apologist for HMRC bullying and trolled distressed victims of abuse for years. And was known for it in the department too. A disgrace.

    44. And as I "was known for it in the department" you'll have absolutely no problem saying what office I worked in. Come on, you can do it if you really try!

      Not a veiled threat, just a simple statement that if I want I can type posts just as obnoxious as the 'all HMRC staff are c*nts' bilge that you and your fellow idiots come out with.

    45. If I may add my story to this thread. I was relentlessly bullied over a prolonged period while working for HMRC. I found this great website that shares my view of the organisation and, with it, a community of other victims of HMRC. It saved my life through some very dark times. Thank you Ken and other contributers. But there was a time when I was being trolled by the person above, who enjoyed undermining my lived experience of abuse meted out by HMRC's management; his trolling was so bad it brought flashbacks of when HMRC HR joined in e.g. the time when a drunken HMRC HR chap called me from his personal phone and when I called him back they tried to twist it into me being wrong for calling his personal phone. Errr, how did I get his number? Head f*ucking, unprofessional cowardly bullies!!

    46. Those who are or were part of the bullying culture at HMRC need to accept their part in the truly damaging impact it's had on people's health and for the reputational damage it's caused the department itself.

    47. @12:53

      I must express my empathy with the clearly distressing situation HMRC have put you in.

      You should not feel compelled to share the precise details of how you will advance your case to obtain justice against HMRC with internet trolls or otherwise.

      As an accountant who applies analytical and critical thinking skills daily, let it be known that you are being trolled by someone who has, for reasons they only know, an obsession with protecting HMRC wrongdoers. Who is this person, do you really know them? What's their motive? Are they a senior manager?

      I have seen the harm HMRC has caused to clients and taxpayers generally, including loan charge victims. Believe me, I have huge disrespect for HMRC and the majority of it's low quality staff who lack a moral compass and get by kidding themselves they are 'just following orders'. All of that said, I can sense the pain HMRC misconduct has caused you and, as a human being, I offer you the empathy that is sorely missing from your former colleague who trolls you on Ken's brilliant site.

    48. @18:45.
      You obviously know nothing about the person you claim to have empathy with or their posting history. They are not being asked for precise details, merely a general explanation as to why they have kept evidence of criminal activity from the police for over a decade.
      If they forward this information to the police as I suggest then HMRC wrongdoers will not be protected but receive their just punishment.
      I would have thought that someone who applies analytical and critical thinking skills on a daily basis might have been able to grasp this quite simple concept.
      Apparently not.

    49. @10:52 You are a very sick man

    50. @11:05 I didn't think that you'd be able to come up with a rational response to my post.
      And guess what - I was right.

    51. @12:32
      Sorry, I don't have too much time to spend on narcissistic HMRC pensioners missing their 'bullying fix' in retirement.

    52. @15:43 But enough time to always try and get the last word in.
      Am I really an HMRC pensioner? Or am I a senior manager monitoring this site?
      I'll let your analytical and critical thinking skills try and work that one out.
      Pip, pip.

    53. Heard from a friend who works at HMRC that this website is getting a lot of attention from worried management and comms teams who are sending their army of trolls to target anyone critical (telling the truth) about life inside the brutal HMRC regime. Why are they so frightened of the truth?

    54. @17:20 You just made that up didn't you?

  6. This will be as effective as an Ice Cream Fireguard.

  7. Welcome to The Madhouse.

    Troup was at HMRC, with Thompson, contributing to the departments continuing downfall and all the 'Shaping Our Future' bullshit that we were all subjected to for years when they knew full well what office's they were going to close. If I remember correctly, he also made a statement that Taxation is legalised theft (it is, but that's not the point).

    Now he's been brought back to 'modernise' the department.

    Answers on a Postcard.

  8. Podgy Thompson was even worse than The Homer. Both clueless, pieces of muck

  9. They're fishing for News with this.

    1. It's long overdue that HMRC staff committing fraud and other crime were imprisoned.

      Casual corruption seems to just be a way of life in the modern HMRC.

    2. I agree wholeheartedly.
      Can we look forward to you giving your evidence of HMRC criminality to the police?
      Or not?

  10. Wellbeing Project Coordinator.... FFS!!! Any HMRC job title with the word wellbeing in is just part of a tick box exercise in pretending to care! They really do not give a shit about staff!!

  11. Totally agree don't give a shit and very few decent people I there. Not one person even your so called friends would stick up for you if it affected THEM
