Wednesday 25 September 2024

£50M Bung Helps HMRC's Call Centre Improvement - A Bit!


HM Revenue and Customs appears to have begun the tortuous process of improving its handling of telephone enquiries in July – two months after government approved a £50m-plus investment to support service improvements.

In recent months, performance has been falling, seemingly bottoming out in the first month of the new fiscal year, with a rate of just 53.5% in April. This has clawed its way back up to an underwhelming 60.4% and 59.5% in May and June, respectively.

HMRC’s newly published customer-service statistics for July show another imporvement to 66.9%. This figure is now ahead of the average for the whole of last year – but remains 18 percentage points below departmental targets (85%). The department received about 3.1 million calls during the month, the statistics reveal.

Tax does have to be taxing.

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HMRC Is Shite (, also available via the domain, is brought to you by "The Living Brand"


  1. When I worked at HMRC it was not uncommon for the figures to be 'massaged'!!

    1. I think that's called corruption. Surely, that would never happen in HMRC............

  2. Guido has been doing some investigative journalism in to the antics of HMRC. This time, it's half a million f**king quid shatted on furniture. In a month! That'll help pay a winter fuel bill for a few pensioners. Bastards.

    1. Must say that even by the low bar set by 'G Fawkes' this is something of a non-story.
      It simply says what you quote, half a million on furniture and redecoration throughout the estate. No mention of where, why, how long to last, what percentage of budget, what it's replacing, etc, etc.
      Although I'm sure many posters on here would like HMRC staff to sit on the ground in an open field, that would create practical difficulties.

  3. It would be interesting to know how they've spent this money (f**king furniture). I'm assuming recruitment of AOs. At 20k you could recruit a lot for 50 million.

    What EXACTLY have you done with the money Sir James Harra? Do tell.

  4. Punters on hold for a cumulative 798 years.

    Well Done HMRC, that must break a record somewhere. Olympic level.
