Wednesday 9 October 2024

Bracken's Appointment To HMRC Smacks of Cronyism

The appointment of Mike Bracken (the founder of GDS) as a non-executive director at HMRC is nothing short of scandalous. This decision not only raises serious concerns about potential conflicts of interest but also undermines public confidence in HMRC’s supposed impartiality.

Bracken’s recent £100,000 donation to the Labour party casts a shadow over his appointment. It begs the question: is HMRC prioritising political allegiances over genuine expertise and qualifications? 

This move reeks of cronyism, and sends a clear message that money and connections trump merit in the public sector.

While Bracken’s background with the Government Digital Service is notable, it does not excuse the glaring ethical issues surrounding his appointment. The public deserves transparency and accountability in government appointments, and this decision falls woefully short.

HMRC must address these valid concerns head-on and prove that public sector appointments are not for sale to the highest bidder. Until then, the integrity and trust in HMRC remain deeply compromised.

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  1. Completely agree. We all know that the HMRC culture is essentially corrupt.
    There's someone on here who vehemently denies that HMRC has a bias to Labour / the far Left.

    1. That'll be me you're talking about probably.
      In 40 years in HMRC and C&E I never saw a single example of bias towards the political left. Nor were a majority of my colleagues Labour supporters.
      Happy to see your evidence to the contrary.

    2. Know all about him .

    3. That's very true. In service spanning three decades in Inland Revenue and HMRC, I routinely witnesses a political bias to Labour and, often, further left than that.

      In my last role working in a VAT local compliance office with ex Customs staff, I observed with disgust their absolute hatred of small business owners/traders - it can't get more left wing than that!

      An extreme left bias is at the very core of a lot of their staff

    4. So as has been well documented HMRC have made it all but impossible for unions to operate effectively within the department. Reps aren't allowed to use departmental communication systems, aren't allowed to leave literature on desks, aren't allowed to have meetings on official premises, etc.
      They are also sacking as many union reps as they can.
      Perhaps you can explain how this behaviour is indicative of being 'far left'.

    5. Sacking reps can only ever be a good thing.
      Those people have enabled the bullying culture in HMRC for a long time.

    6. But is it indicative of the department being "far left"?

      Don't change the subject.

    7. Isn’t there a faction of PCS called left unity? I don’t see one called right unity

    8. There may well be a faction within PCS called 'left unity'. I'll take your word for it.
      But how is that indicative of HMRC being "far left"?

  2. Bill Dodwell is the second appointee. An Accountant and Tax Advisor. If the other one donated 100k to the Taylor Swift Party then I'm sure he didn't get this cushy number with a nod and a wink.

  3. HMRC is just another UK institution that is run by the left-leaning elites for the left-leaning elites. Hence their obsession with 'diversity' while simultaneously bullying anyone - staff or taxpayers - who aren't judged as being in one of their favoured categories. Anyone interested in getting educated about what's really happening with the lefty elites should read Tommy Robinson's insightful book (currently no. 1 in Amazon's best selling books as more people are waking up).

    1. I've read it and highly recommend it to all intelligent people.

    2. And here we have it in all it's glory.
      We should all "read Tommy Robinson's insightful book".
      That's Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, the convicted criminal (violence, fraud and contempt of court). A vicious, racist neo-Nazi thug and conspiracy theorist living a life of luxury around the world despite no visible means of support.
      And if we want to know what's going on in HMRC we should read his book.
      I've always had my suspicions about some of the posters on here but am still very disappointed - naive of me I suppose.

    3. I don't think the above commenter was saying that his book will directly tell us about what's going on in HMRC. More a case of articulating how the rich, left wing elites have a grip on the major institutions of the UK. And they're run for the benefit of the rich, left wing elites and against the interests of normal everyday people.
      As a former tax officer and manager at HMRC, it's incredibly sad to see how it's now solidly under the control of rich commies.
      Whether people vote for Conservative, Liberal, Labour, Reform or for anyone else, we should all be concerned about the grip the extreme left has on HMRC.
      I think it'll get worse under Keir Stalin.

    4. If you think that the people in charge of HMRC are communists then you really do have a problem.
      Ditto if you think the social democrat Starmer is a Stalinist.
      And if you think that the rich elites are against the working man - well, isn't that a bit left wing of you!!

    5. Tax is a concern for the peasants, the real money is going out of the country. As we have seen, if voting made any difference they wouldn't let you do it. That'll blow billions on vanity projects and say we're skint so we're taking it from you.

      Once your eyes are open to it, you can see it for what it is.

      Not long until November 5th, then the REAL fun begins. Tick Tock

    6. Thank you - it really is a great book.

    7. What's happening on November 5th?

    8. He’s REALLY excited about fireworks! Loves them!

    9. @18.57 🤣🤣👍

  4. Both of these appointees were SCS and now Non Executive Directors? How does that work?

    Recruitment is ongoing for permanent appointments the article suggests. Plenty of money for those at the top to spend all day in meetings eating digestive biscuits at the taxpayer expense.

    1. Digestive biscuits? These spongers get more expensive biscuits than that!

  5. The Times have gotten wise to this appointment, without apparent competition.

    I'll keep an eye on Guido.

    I have to quote George Carlin 'Its one big club and you ain't in it'

    Labour really are a gang of grubby little bastards

    1. The commies pretend to be virtuous, but in fact they are a million times worse than the previous government.

      Corrupt scumbags.
