My thanks to a loyal reader who posted this comment the other day, warning about a possible "AO dump" in Hull:
"So, Gerry Dorby visited Cherry Court in Hull a week or two ago.It is not clear as to whether the HMRC AO "dump" is redundancy or moving staff to the DWP.
The first floor of the building holds the RIS section, and all ten or so teams were recently "re-structured" because, officially, Jenni Cooper had some problem with too many teams, but in reality it was done because A) She wanted to leave people doing something she'd ordered before taking maternity leave, and B) to split up people who were seen as talking too much.
When Dorby came, he noted that he wanted as many AOs "out the door" as soon as possible, adding that the floor was "far too noisy" still.
This was on a Friday when there were, apparently, very few people in.
He is also making it his mission to get production up - even though it already as high as it can be, I've been told..."
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According to another comment its seems the 'AO dump' is neither redundancy or redeployment to the DWP. The suggestion was 'natural wastage'... people will read into that what they will, but one implication is they're up to their usual again... and those brutal methods do not care if people's lives are destroyed in the process...
ReplyDeleteSorry, just remind me how many "directors" are in that cess pit again?
ReplyDeleteIf HMRC is an example of the best that a combination of Lean and Common Purpose snake oil salesmanship is able to produce then heaven help us. We all thought IiP or idiots in power to have been bad enough.
Watch the wall me darlings!
All the greed we read about. All the waste. All the bonuses. All the bullying. All the incompetence. Now its being reported that phone calls to HMRC 'helplines' are costing "pensioners and single mums" up to £33 per hour.
ReplyDeleteDo they have no shame?
Is this HMRC engineering some social mobility? The HMRC 'chief' is a Social Mobility champion don't you know!
ReplyDeleteChampions of psychological violence?
ReplyDeleteI do hope those HMRC staff potentially affected have been made aware of what's going on and that it's not just a secret between a few people. If the local trade union representatives are on the ball, then I am sure they will demand a meeting before the HMRC management advance their rather dubious sounding plan to reduce the workforce.
ReplyDeleteI have worked 20 plus years in the old the HMRC...the last 5 years have been just about tolerable...this last year has been horrendous...i would describe it now as nasty,selfish,sleeked and is truly a dreadful place to work with management trying it's damnedest to set staff against each other.This so called engagement is a is forced engagement on their terms so they can tick a's a fucking disgrace...hope they rot...bastards.
ReplyDeleteI have been at IR/HMRC for the part of two decades. The ones I have seen progress upwards from the bottom to HO/SO/G7 fit roughly into the following five categories: intelligent and fair(very rare),intelligent but ruthless, gormless but nasty, gormless with the right connections, some nous but idle bullshitter.
ReplyDeleteThere are many in junior or management who strive to go higher. They are ruthless enough but possess no other qualities to enable them to step up the ladder.Bitter, ugly and with slyness in excess they are nothing but useful instruments for their superiors who may drop them hints of false hope.They will forever be in junior manager purgatory causing angst to many, playing workers off against each other but making themselves so unpopular that setbacks in their life would cause widespread workplace merriment,popping of corks, and hearty sing song around the barbecue.
In other words its a recipe for a bullying culture running out of control, and for which nobody is responsible...even criminal offences are not taken seriously when it involves damages lives of the people targeted by the vicious thugs' abuse and directly affects the quality of service the public get...
DeleteThe whole department is a poisonous cesspit, a fucking miserable place to work, run by some of the nastiest detritus and self serving shitbags ever.
ReplyDeleteGet the HMIC and independent authorities in that place now. Follow the evidence. No special cases. No management, however senior, above the rule of law. Criminals are criminals are criminals.
DeleteCover up, cover up, cover up. When will it ever change with that corrupt lot.