Friday, 11 February 2011

The Empire Strikes Back

My thanks to several loyal readers who have alerted me to HMRC's new staff incentive programme.

It seems that ExCom have reached deep within the bowels of history, and have resurrected the British Empire.


"E is for Empire, on which the sun never sets!"

As such the Imperial Service Medal will now be awarded to selected HMRC staff who are retiring after 25 years, or more, of service.

Whilst I agree that retirement after long service should be recognised and rewarded, is the Imperial Service Medal really the right way to do this?

What about long serving staff (if there are any left) who have not yet retired?

To build a memorial, first find a million victims.

Here is the announcement from HMRC's intranet:

"HMRC is reintroducing the Imperial Service Medal to recognise the efforts and achievements of long-serving members of staff.

Awarded by the Queen on the Department's recommendation, it is given to people at AA and AO grades who have made a real contribution over at least 25 years.

Chief executive Lesley Strathie said:

'The knowledge and experience of our people is something we really should celebrate. The contribution made by some of our longest-serving people is immense, so I'm extremely pleased that it will be formally recognised in this way.'

The medal is awarded when a person retires and has been reintroduced from 1 February. It was previously recognised at various times in both the former Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise.

Nominations will come from a person's line manager and HMRC's honours secretariat has produced guidance to help them through the process."

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  1. This just adds more weight to the idea that the UK's honour system is becoming a joke.

  2. " it is given to people at AA and AO grades who have made a real contribution over at least 25 years"

    A shiny meadal after 25 years? Oh thats allright then.

    Are these people on drugs? Most AA/AO coleagues I worked with bailed out after the merger once it became apparent there would be no more career prospects or staff development.

  3. "Nominations will come from a person's line manager"

    It sounds like "look the depts a mess, but we want you people to carry the can, do the donkey work, etc.
    You'll get the odd slap in the back of the head from us who are higher up the chain, you will always be an AA or an AO (even after 25 years) but, and heres the golden cookie. Theres a medal at the end of it all".

  4. The thought of being an AO for 25 years is enough to get me reaching for the phone to the samaritans, christ i'm onto my 7th year and i'm ready for abandoning the sinking ship now.

  5. Ex com desperately thrashing around, looking for anything to improve morale, which - A. Doesn't cost anything, and B. - Doesn't involve getting rid of LEAN/Pacesetter. In my area of HMRC, we said goodbye to our last AA several years ago.

  6. A measly medal after 25 years?

    Wonder what Paul Gray got after three years, 04-07.

  7. Stick it where the sun don't shine!!

  8. It's a bloody insult.

  9. They haven't a clue

  10. Why do you still have a picture of GB. The condems have been in power for 9 monthts. What have they done to improve HMRC?

  11. Although I would never condone personal attacks on individual staff members at HMRC I also find it amazing how anyone working for HMRC would warrant any sort of reward/bonus.

    As an organisation it has clearly failed and although we can argue until the cows come home as to who's fault it is. Under any other set of circumstances an organisation that operated in the way HMRC does would either be closed or prosecuted. There should be no reward or bonus for anyone in HMRC however long they have served.

  12. 12 February 2011 13:23

    I think you've missed the irony of Kens post completely.

    Its a dinky medal for the most junior lowest paid grades, AA and AO.

    Not an RBS Style massive financial bonus.

  13. As an organisation it has clearly failed and although we can argue until the cows come home as to who's fault it is. Under any other set of circumstances an organisation that operated in the way HMRC does would either be closed or prosecuted. 13.23.

    Like the banks were prosecuted, you mean? Or closed. Oh wait, just given huge amounts of cash, now nicely back in profit, and on the bonus gravy train again. Still thats the wonders of the market.....

  14. The difference between HMRC and the banks is that we have half a chance to get our money back from the banks even though they screwed up.

  15. Yeah, perhaps you can get that 150bn that HMRC needed back. Oh wait.......

  16. "Yeah, perhaps you can get that 150bn that HMRC needed back. Oh wait......."

    Na, you'd only waste on another failed it project.

  17. Well I got a ISM for 33 years as an AO.
    Lack of substantive promotion (12 years acting up plus 7 years as a commander on the small HMC&E patrol boats ) was a bit of an issue
    BUT my manager was 130 miles away, I could start and finish when I liked. Work life balance was superb
    ..I also collected several million quid from thieving tax fiddlers.....

    But yes HMRC is shite :-0

  18. Thats personally..not as a team
