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HMRC Is Shite (, also available via the domain, is brought to you by "The Living Brand"
That'll be because they "wasted" all of that money upgrading from XP.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to hack an Abacus. Even if the abacus has an upgraded coat of varnish 10 in the last few weeks.
ReplyDeleteLOL....abacus...beat me to it !!!
DeleteIn reality a cyber attack might actually FIX our worse than useless PCs !!
DeleteWe don't log on much on Friday afternoons so ok.
Deletedo HMRC log on any afternoons (or mornings)? Takes ages for you to pick up phone calls? And anyone sending you an email or letter, I don't know whether its policy to delete/bin but we never a get a reply.
DeleteAddress your concerns to senior management....they are running this shambles with 40,000 less staff
DeleteYou can address your concerns with them but I wouldn't ever expect them to do anything. If they can't even deal with misconduct/corruption... anyway, its all aboard the gravy train for that bunch...
DeletePossibly didn't attack due to fear of picking up viruses!
ReplyDeleteI am surprised you don't collapse under the weight of your own cynicism.
ReplyDeleteYou work in HMRC ??
DeleteNot any more. My comment wasn't aimed at an anon user btw.
DeleteNo problem
DeleteWhich anon. user? They are all anon. FFS! ;)
DeleteAnons because the bastards will sack us!
DeleteOnly if you are "negative" ;)
Delete@ 08:58 - not being negative - i.e. a neutral position - would not be good enough. The only way is to be a yes person, lick bottoms like there is no tomorrow and join in with whatever they're up to no matter how corrupt it is...
DeleteYou would end with a very brown tongue but at least you can be totally incompetent, and a dishonest vindictive little bully all while doing F A work and planning your next trip to your French holiday home without consequences.
DeleteApologies.....non positive...wonder if they have a training course or "Go See" for that ?? ;(
DeleteThe sell their soul merchants all gather around the whiteboard in competition to be the masters favourite.
DeleteThey are no more than pretend friends with one another as jealously and hatred permetate the air, they'd see each other fall from a roof to be the favourite of the curiously shady character who can influence how high they go.
Hours of talking to themselves in the mirror, getting the facial expressions right, practising a professional walk, reading books on 'dynamism' by american bullshitting authors.
Who will be the next up the ladder ? Which one will forever try but be outwitted and out glamourised.
Long suffering onlookers have to endure this daily celebration celebration of duplicity hidden by bogus smiles, nodding, unanimous condemnation of the disengaged, mechanical laughter, mispronounced big sounding words and cringeworthy jokes.
Its funny with these "mispronounced big sounding words" that the inadequate misfit managers have such a limited intelligence they tend to have only a small number which they then use over and over again. These creatures may impresses their equally lowlife manager and the yes people, but they ain't fooling anyone else.
DeleteIf they are of the lying, bullying variety too then my personal favourite word for them is scumbags...
ReplyDeleteThere's your problem
GDS pulled support for XP, the responsibility for patching it then falling to those departments who had chosen to keep lumbering on with grossly outdated and now unsupported operating system.
What could possibly go wrong?
No matter, quick wipe, reinstall and patch, then back from your last know uncontaminated backup.
You do have a backup, don't you...
HMRC, used to stand for Her Majesty's Revenue Cutter, in this day and age it stands for poor "customer" care, poor communications, even worse working conditions and a national disgrace of what should be a premier civil service department with top quality managenet.
DeleteOh well, it is Monday morning and its grey and raining! ;)#
To call the thing a "national disgrace" is an understatement. The place ranges from incompetent to corrupt.
DeleteIts not a real world in HMRC . Its like starring in an episode of The Prisoner each day we turn up for work.Honestly.
DeleteIts a nasty place HMRC. Many lying cowardly thugs. You really do enter at your own risk, as once working inside the regime the rule of law seemingly does not apply to some staff.....
DeleteEvil psychopaths!!!
DeleteFull of small enclaves with an agenda of their own - namely look after themselves and bludgeon and brainwash others who might see through them. They need to make themselves look the part. Often the most obedient members of these enclaves lack charm, skill,looks and nous to rise any further so they seek protection from their enclave and are given licence to bully, lie, to twist and turn. Shame on these limited items of sewerage waste.
Delete@ 13:31 explains HMRC very well. I was asked recently whether HMRC was a good to place to work from a prospective employee of theirs. Well I said, if you enjoy being bullied, if you enjoy being lied to, if you enjoy being stitched up, if you enjoy standing around whiteboards listening to f**kwits who do no real work & are of very low intelligence, if you enjoy your boss sending accomplices round to your home to intimidate you, then it could well be the career of your dreams!
DeleteOn the other hand, if you want to maintain good health its best you run the other way. I don't think she's going to bother applying now. Wise decision.
A vile outfit, who casually accept corruption when it suits their agenda. They have a lot in common with criminals - although they seem to think the law only applies to taxpayers.
They will be by name...however senior...
Indeed, the HMRC workplace bullying scandal goes on and on. Who knows how many victims there are. It would only be just to publically name and shame the guilty, especially those in management and HR positions of (misused) authority.
DeleteThere are many unedifying characters in HMRC who were once going somewhere, once held high positions on the frontline, but who are cowardly,selfish, opportunistic characters who fell foul of HMRC conduct codes.These embarrassments with past form now find themselves put out to grass in lower middle management, in the Fisher Price sectors of the organisation. A far cry from where they once stood. Today they can be found moulding a few limited, pliant junior managers into images of themselves that bully,lie but who possess nil charisma along with the normal mental stability to ever go any further alone but who believe that membership of their rancid clique will see them progress.
DeleteNumber One Priority for the new Government: sort out the corrupt practices in HMRC once and for all.
DeleteCurrent employees are able to use the whistleblowing procedures which is probably the best option if being subjected to HMRC bullying. Do not use the grievance procedure because there are taxpayer funded HMRC cover-up operators who will do there utmost to manipulate and suppress evidence of the law breaking to block justice (yes really - and they expect the public to trust them?). Its at that point you will realise just how badly corrupt your employer is.
ReplyDeleteOh the HMRC bullying culture. Look, I was recently reading on a website an account from an HMRC employee. He had worked for HMRC (and IR before that) for about 30 years. He was disabled when recruited and for the first 28 years there had been no problems.
DeleteHe then got a new line manager. She seemed to be of the disturbed type. She bullied him and eventually he went off sick. He had been off for about 5 months and HMRC had done nothing. He was concerned this prevented him being able to return to work. He was on full sick pay so was costing the taxpayer money, while his life was being ruined. He was also worried he would soon gone onto half sick pay and would end up in huge debt.
In desperation he wrote to HMRC Senior Management in December 2016. They did nothing to address his concerns, but patronisingly sent a reply offering 'greetings of the season' and hope to see him 'back at work next year'. And that was that.
Now, this indicates that HMRC are still either totally ignorant about mental health and about the bullies who run amok within their offices, or once again shows (even with a long term disabled employee) that they don't give two shits about staff welfare and continue to turn a blind eye to law breaking & bullying. Worse, could it indicate that this misconduct is actively endorsed from the top?
While I have sympathy with the gentleman concerned, he hasn't half made a miscalculation in writing to Senior Management. He will be targeted by HMRC and they will do whatever it takes to ruin his career.
A truly frightening place, and I have to agree its not an employer any sane or decent person who has worked there could recommend to friends.
@10:26 - No change there then.
DeleteOwn experience includes evidence gatherer from a grievance case stating you have a lot of evidence to decision maker stating "I see no evidence". Now, as I have appeared in courts of all levels many times including prosecuting my own case I will leave it to the reader to consider if there was any evidence? Appeals manager useless could hardly look me in the eyes! Oh, did I omit to mention that the whole process was carried out in-house in the same business - given the number of directorates...?
Went to 2 chairmen on further appeal - Hartnett & Homer - Homer couldn't even quote the correct current legislation when uttering faith in her management.
Went to MP and PAC & NAO - no joy.
All this despite requesting the issues be referred to Internal Audit and subsequently IPCC due to allegations of criminal and civil lawbreaking. I believe the fact thgat the allegations were not investigated is a criminal act in itself. Of coiurse there is a legal definition attached to 2 or more people acting together...
My own experience of HMRC management. I reported a criminal offence committed by a manager. After a delay, she admitted it. Did they prosecute her? No. Did they even have her independently investigated? No. What did HMRC do? Nothing, she got away with it scot free. Homer did not want to know. MP got involved. A brief dishonest reply was issued from HMRC failing to address the issues of substance. HR were aware of the offence. They did nothing. Many seniors guilty of failing to act in accordance with the civil service code.
DeleteThe problem seems to be HMRC don't believe in equality before the law. Once a tax law enforcement dept starts to select to whom the law applies, we are on a slippery path in terms of justice and democracy.
Cover up = misconduct in public office.
There must be thousands of people total in - GPs, MPs, union reps, mental health counsellors, lawyers, family, friends & partners of victims and others - all fully aware of HMRC's misconduct and the suffering inflicted, and yet nothing is done to make the outfit compliant with the law.
DeleteWhy is that organisation so unaccountable?
Ken the truth is that HMRC were very lucky to dodge the Wannacrypt bullet. When the attack took place last Friday the vast majority of their Windows kit was not patched against it including over 2/3 of the Windows 7 desktops and nearly all of the newer Windows 10 machines. Worse a lot of HMRCs Windows servers - some running national system - were also at risk. This included of support boxes running Windows Server 2003 (XP equivalent) and barely in support Windows Server 2008 machines
ReplyDelete(Vista equivalent). The tech support teams have been frantically patching their machines all week and presumably will be continuing the exercise for days to come. If the attack had made it past the Departments external firewalls and email defences they would have been in serious trouble. The Malwaretech who activated the Wannacrypt kill switch by registering a domain name probably saved their bacon. That is not to say they will be safe in the future because HMRC also run a lot of software in the non Windows space which is also years out of support. The department is really a slow motion IT train wreck.
Anyone who thinks HMRC were safe from an attack by Wannacrypt because they had upgraded from XP needs their head examined. According to Kapersky 98% of the machines that became infected were running Windows 7.
DeleteNo doubt...HMRC will flag this up...and put it on the infamous success register ffs !
DeleteI doubt they would care... totally corrupt.