My thanks to the loyal reader who recently shared his/her views on HMRC's whiteboard fetish:
"Ah, the indomitable whiteboards, remember them well, created hazards to staff in inverse proportion to any gains from having the damn things;Halcyon days by the sound of it!
trip hazard - to such an extent that the protruding feet had to be covered with high viz hazard marking yellow/black tape, didn't cure the problem, made it your fault for not observing a clearly marked hazard!
injury by collapse of heavy object - these things were like a mini engineering project to put together, if incorrectly assembled including not torquing the nuts correctly, these heavy items could collapse when being touched (like writing on them) let alone when being moved e.g. because they were blocking or obstructing fire exits, solutions, supposedly only authorised staff to complete the 'meccano kit' having first read and signed, in blood, the instructions, as for obstructing fire exits, well, if there's a fire move the bloody thing, just pray it doesn't disable the fleeing staff in the process!
blocking/obstructing fire exits - they really know how to undertake risk assessments in HMRC, not!
writing on whiteboards in ink colours difficult to read - self applied cure, don't bother reading them...
then there was the 4-sided demon on castors that was rolled around with graphs and sound bites plastered all over it - this abomination had cost £1800 and was a laughing stock amongst staff.
Still, makes you wonder?
Management, my arse, they do make Kermit & Co. look efficient though."
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