It seems that the HMRC's weekend systems upgrade has not been entirely glitch free.
AccountingWEB members reported problems yesterday with PAYE codes.
When trying to view PAYE notices for the current tax year (2014-15) some members reported seeing a 2012/13 listing.

HMRC contacted AccountingWeb and explained that the drop down list for the new tax year had been omitted from the upgraded menu over the weekend, and was defaulting to a previous year.
There were also reports about problems with CT Online. A new validation routine that was introduced this weekend is creating a new error condition (7752) that tells the submitter:
“The CRN on the submission does not match the CRN for this Unique Taxpayer Reference."The validation routine is not applied if there is no CRN in the CT600 (for example on a charity's return). Nor should the routine take into account leading/trailing letters and zeros.
TaxCalc advised:
“Unfortunately, HMRC are currently experiencing technical issues with this validation and it is currently checking the leading zeros when performing the comparison.”
HMRC is investigating the issue.
The CRN problem was one of several glitches reported by HMRC's CT service issues page, which currently advises:br />
“If this issue has affected you please do not attempt to resend your document. We will post an update on this page as soon as the issue has been resolved.”I would be interested to hear from any loyal readers who are experiencing problems with accessing/using HMRC's online services.
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ReplyDeletejust tried to submit CT700, got the 7752 error, phoned them up and when I asked when it was likely to be resolved they just laughed - then said it was a technical error and they were not the technical people. Couldn't make it up!
ReplyDeleteBeen down nearly 24 hours now - just phoned HMRC (15:41) and was told that their internal messaging is now just saying "look at the services issues page on the website".
ReplyDeleteWho is going to get the sack for this c*ck up?
Don't forget the vast majority of us working in HMRC are still running windows xp (no longer supported by Nicrosoft) and using ie6 as a browser!
ReplyDeleteagain error code 7752??????? I am trying to submit a ct600, unfortunately I receive a message saying error code 7752 "The CRN on the submission does not match the CRN for this Unique Taxpayer Reference." what I should do?????
ReplyDeleteGood to see that this has all been thoroughly tested before it went live.
ReplyDeleteI know HMRC will blame their IT suppliers but don't they have some responsibility for doing some quality assurance themselves before they inflict new software on the unsuspecting public.
They would have difficulty QA'ing a dead rat never mind software.