I see that senior HMRC press officer Jonathon Hall will be charged with allegedly leaking information on the 2010 Budget to The Sun.
When I was a nipper, breaking Budget Purdah was considered to be a flogging offence. Now, sadly, Budget details are leaked as often and in much the same way as the police leak details to the media of people arrested for alleged crimes.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said that Hall and Hartley will be charged with conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office over alleged inappropriate payments.
It is alleged that between 30 March 2008 and 15 July 2011 The Sun paid £17,475 to Jonathan Hall, mostly via Marta Bukarewicz, in exchange for the unauthorised disclosure of information obtained as a result of his employment with HMRC.
According to the CPS statement, the information included government plans, unannounced spending and policy decisions relating to the 2010 Budget, plus the coalition government's deficit reduction plans.
Information also related specifically to policy and decision-making within HMRC, including that relating to job losses and casework.
HMRC have not provided a statement to economia.
I wonder if Hall declared these payments in his tax return?
Tax does have to be taxing.
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