A 90-day consultation has begun today in HMRC, wrt the future of around 200 staff. HMRC claim that, while no final decisions
have been made on whether jobs will go, the process could result in
compulsory redundancies.
An HMRC spokesperson told Civil Service World the the
department would aim to "support people fully through the process", and
stressed that the announcement was not a reflection "on the contribution
and commitment of the people affected".
Meanwhile HMRC are recruiting around 100 people nationally:
Reference number
£18,415 (National) or £22,022 (London) - £20,074 (National) or £24,012 (London)
Administrative Officer
Post type
Business area
Type of role
Administration/ Corporate Support
Working pattern
This/these jobs are available for full-time, part-time or flexible working arrangements (including job share arrangements)
37 Hours
Number of posts
Minimum expected tour length
2 Years
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Minimum expected tour length, what stupid jargon is this, what does that mean if the job is permanent?? You will be on inferior terms to the staff on existing contracts and will be required to work on Saturdays and until 8 pm at night. This is because we can't cajole, bully or legally change the existing contracts to make current staff work these hours. I know it's says Administration/Corporate Support, but I would like to bet a large amount of the working day will spend fielding phone calls.
ReplyDeleteMy advise would be don't do it!
"Tour length"? "Sentence" would be a more appropriate word. Meanwhile, people are being sacked left, right and centre. People are using their annual leave when unwell as scared to phone in sick.
ReplyDeleteTake the redundancy and run as fast as you can. 1 year and two weeks I have been out of the place, take them for everything they offer you.
ReplyDeleteApparently, 3000 new recruits are wanted. The right people with the right skills, no less. In a previous recruitment campaign, having a good grasp of spoken English didn't figure in the requirements for telephone collectors.
ReplyDeleteI thought all that mattered was that new "tourists" were in the right place. Not that anyone knows where these new places are. It seems to be a closely guarded secret amongst Excom.
ReplyDeleteHMRC are and intend to recruit c3k new jobs (at most grades) in their Regional Centres - however existing staff cannot apply – for level transfers.
ReplyDeleteThe current Consultation on a Public Sector Exit Payment Cap (4-week consultation, run during peak leave period) ‘seeks views on a proposal to legislate for a £95,000 cap on the total value of exit payments made to an individual in relation to their exit from public sector employment’. The new value will include unused leave payments, pension top ups, notice payments etc etc, so it will affect more staff than they (staff) think.
The ‘Consultation’ also includes –
It is important to consider this in the context of the wider economy. While some larger private sector employers offer formal redundancy schemes or exit payments comparable with the public sector, many employers offer statutory redundancy pay. Under the terms of statutory redundancy employees are offered half a week’s pay for each year of service below the age of 22; one week’s pay for each year of service between the age of 22 and 41; and one and a half week’s pay for each year of service above the age of 41. No more than 20 years’ service can be counted and pay is capped at £475 per week. The maximum payment is therefore £14,250.
Wider reforms
Alongside a cap on exit payments the government is also keen to ensure that exit payments in the public sector more widely offer a proportionate level of support and offer value for money to the taxpayer who funds them. The government is therefore considering further reforms to the calculation of compensation terms and to employer funded early retirement in circumstances of redundancy. The government plans to consult on possible measures in these areas in due course.
A cynic would see the potential to implement new Exit Terms and release 1,000s staff at a maximum of £15k.