The Treasury select committee is set to probe HMRC and ask for evidence on how HMRC deals with tax enquiries and the resolution of tax disputes.
The probe is part of three wide-ranging probes into Britain's tax system, and will cover everything from value added tax to whether the tax office treats companies and individuals differently in an unfair manner.
The committee reported it is inviting written submissions dealing with how HMRC governance and settlement processes affect its ability to resolve tax disputes in a proportionate and fair way.
The MPs will also look into whether HMRC's collection and management powers result in fair outcomes and whether its approach to tax compliance leads to disproportionate and unjust results.
The committee will also investigate the tax gap in VAT, where HMRC collects significantly less value-added tax (VAT) than it estimates it should every year.
Nicky Morgan MP, chairman of the Treasury select committee, is quoted by the FT:
"HMRC collected around £124bn in VAT last year – over a fifth of the UK's total tax take – and failed to collect around £12.6bn in VAT.Good luck getting straight answers from HMRC!
The reasons for why VAT is so vulnerable are somewhat opaque, so the committee will examine how this might be addressed.
Brexit may provide both opportunities and challenges to the UK's approach to VAT. The government may choose to stick to a broadly similar structure to what currently exists, change it, or abolish it completely.
We will examine the chief concerns for HMRC and businesses going forward, and what impact Brexit will have on HMRC's efforts to reduce the VAT element of the tax gap."
Tax does have to be taxing.
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