Yesterday's fantasy budget, based on an unachievable 2011 growth forecast of 3.5%, was remarkable in many respects.
Aside from the fact that national debt has now shot up to £1 Trillion (see below), it proposed among other measures:
- Fines for tax advisers who are incompetent.
- A requirement for Finance Directors (FDs), of large companies, to personally certify that adequate controls are in place to prepare accurate tax computations. They will be personally fined £5K if they fail to do so.
- HMRC to publish a quarterly list of names and details of individuals and companies who have been penalised for deliberate defaults.
Why are these proposals so wrong?
1 Re financial advisers, the onus is on the client of the adviser to claim redress for incompetence not HMRC/HMG. This is an unnecessary, and unwelcome, extension of HMRC's powers to levy fines and regulate commercial relationships between third parties.
2 Re FD's certifications, this goes against the principles of company law whereby the board has collective responsibility; and is yet another excuse to raise revenue by levying fines.
3 Re the "name and shame" suggestion, as "morally satisfying" as that may appear, it may well breach human rights legislation and goes against the central tenets of HMRC; ie never to reveal an individual's/firms' tax affairs. It will also be open to abuse by HMRC, who will use it as a stick to threaten people who they "suspect" (but don't have proof) of misstating their tax declaration.
So much for KPMG's call for "