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Why am I not in the least bit surprised. 200K a year, not a bad little number is it. One of him or Ten AO's.
ReplyDeleteKneel in front of the lizards and get a tap on the shoulder. Perhaps 2019 is the year he gets to waltz into the sunset on a big fat pension. A nice 'consultancy' role somewhere like other former chief muppets..
Aye, 'Sir' Thompson will probably be gone before the end of 2019.
DeleteNice fat pension and an honour to boot. While the majority of the workforce face miserable commutes to regional centres, and ever more bullying and intimidation.
Aw come on, the Man's talents have obviously been recognised.....
ReplyDeleteQuelle Surprise, a knighthood!
ReplyDeleteWhat an absolute insult to current serving staff and all those that suffered under hmrc issues under his command including 'customers'.
Again, this type of award is perceived as a reward for failure and devalues the award system completely thereby degrading awards to those that truly deserve recognition.
He'll be out through the revolving door shortly.
A total insult to current serving staff, and those staff forced out under his tenure.
DeleteThis is the latest in a long line of letdowns for HMRC's workforce. Yet staff are expected to be 'proud' to work somewhere that rewards failures, and bullies the hell out of everyone else.
Obviously well-earned. Congratulations. Arise Sir Fatbastard. If you fail, lie, enable violent bullying and cover ups you will be rewarded by the establishment for your dishonour. No wonder the honours system is meaningless - totally lacks integrity. Shame on you, you fat little man.
ReplyDeleteJust another kick in the teeth for long suffering HMRC employees.
DeleteMakes it worth going into a bullying and intimidating environment, knowing those who enable it (or turn a blind eye to it) are rewarded.
Utterly shameful and disgusting.
Ffs...should be Cunt Commander Of The Order Of The Bath...pathetic bastard.
ReplyDeleteSame bastard who is forced to pay his lowest paid minimum wage...and then brag about it...what an arshole.
DeleteEdward Troup also got a gong...fuck em all !!
Not bragging about it on Twitter Thompson ???
DeleteNah...too afraid someone might threaten you!!
This man is a nasty failure. He also speaks like he is thick as pig shit...what an embarrassment to hard working, educated, junior civil servants.
ReplyDeleteSenior mismanagement don't give a's 2 fingers up to us.
DeleteGet these bastards in the long grass.
Being honest, I think the majority of Excom have been nasty failures since HMRC's creation. All seemingly out for themselves, screwing the staff over and leaving once they've got their 'honours' or a well paid consultancy job elsewhere.
DeleteNone of them could give a toss about their workforce, just all in it for themselves.
What a joke, and what an insult to the long suffering and bullied staff at HMRC!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThese people should be facing independent investigation of how they're running HMRC, not being rewarded for ruining staffs lives and careers.
Now he's got his gong (not at all deserved), I dare say he'll leave HMRC soon anyway, leaving another incompetent to chase their 'honour'.
With the staff survey results and the lies (and bullying) coming from the top, it just shows how flawed the honours system is.
Utterly disgusted and dismayed. This is one of the few people who can make Lin Homer look good!!!!
Sam Alladyce was right about HMRC being the most corrupt institution in the UK...
ReplyDeleteThe attitude of senior management stinks.
It's long overdue that the PAC dares to REALLY hold Thompson & HMRC to account with some precise, deep and searching questions about his personal knowledge of dangerous staff bullying which has wrecked lives and careers, and drained the department of talent. Perhaps start with: "Sir, how many MPs have written to you about HMRC staff bullying and what action did you take about law breaking, both civil and criminal, having been covered up by your staff to protect the guilty? Furthermore, are you aware of the Civil Service Code and how serious the law looks upon those who commit misconduct in public office?"
ReplyDeleteThe award, given the state of play in HMRC and previously MOD is simply representative of the shite society that exists in the UK.
ReplyDeleteWhat the recipient has done to warrant the award is beyond my ability to comprehend.
At least Ariane Grande had the humanity and grace to decline her similar award.
It makes one wonder how HMG would reward true success and puiblic service?
As well deserved as Harry Kane's.
ReplyDeleteThe Honours system is well and truly bollocks.
I wonder if the Queen could perhaps slide the sword from shoulder to shoulder across the fat gits throat, rather that go over his big head with it?
Ever noticed how whistle-blowers and anti-corruption campaigners don't get Honours for their brave public service and yet an overpaid, incompetents running the tax department, which is rife with violent bullying & unlawful dishonesty, and doing society badly, are given a knighthood.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is happening with the British honours system? In my personal experience Mr Thompson lacks integrity and is a part of the problem when it comes to bullying and the ££££s of taxpayers money wasted attempting cover it up. Who can the public contact to raise concerns about whether Mr Thompson is a fit and proper person to receive the honour?
HMRC has an organisational culture which encourages, enables & supports harassment, bullying & violence against their own staff.
ReplyDeleteWith the culture being as such is it any wonder that taxpayers are now beginning to see that this is an amoral, dishonest misfit of an organisation which generally holds people in contempt?
Clearly, Mr Thompson is following the usual path of being rewarded for being an incompetent, psychopath.