Engagement : CS 62% v HMRC 49% (-13%)
My Work: CS 76% v HMRC 67% (-9%)
Organisation Objectives : CS 83% v HMRC 80% (-3%)
My manager : CS 70% v HMRC 69% (-1%)
My Team : CS 81% v HMRC 82% (+1%)
Learning & Development : CS 54% v HMRC 54% (-)
Inclusion and fair treatment : CS 78% v HMRC 73% (-5%)
Resources and Workload : CS 73% v HMRC 68% (-5%)
Pay & Benefits: CS 31% v HMRC 22% (-9%)
Leadership/Managing Change : CS 47% v 38% (-9%)
Not exactly a stellar performance!
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Time for a bit of festive spin with a grin.. "The figures don't reflect the diversity of our hard working staff" or some other cowshit.
ReplyDelete....or at least our staff respect HMRC values...blah blah fucking blah.
DeleteCome on Thompson....have the balls to make the people survey mandatory....and you will see the other missing 36% really cook your fucking xmas goose...but then again that wouldn't be real engagement...unlike the subtle pressure you tried with this one....dragging in "brown nosed firelighters" to sell your shite....in vain.
DeleteYou are one pathetic bastard !!
Get back on Twitter you coward !!
It appears that HMRC can no longer keep the lid on things.
ReplyDeleteThis is what comes when you have Leaders that can't bring people with them.
It's been all stick & no carrot for far too long.
The "stick" no longer has the desired effect, people are numb to it!
There are too many chiefs and not enough workers.
The old guard who appeared loyal are now leaving for their pensions and youngsters have little to remain loyal to and will go elsewhere once trained.
One would hope that someone would shake this toxic organisation up. It needs a complete overhaul.
Will it happen? Well- I'm not holding my breath!
ReplyDelete1. No-one, as yet, arrested for making death threats against the CEO, this despite the technology and ability available via the vaeiwty of 'dark arts' "partners" available in UK and elsewhere?
2. CEO is also head of 'Head of the Civil Service Operational Delivery Profession.'
3. HMRC has an abysmal record of performance across its responsibilities, whether to staff, 'customers' or HMG.
4. It's reputation amongst staff, partner agencies, 'customers', associated professions, M.P.'s et.al., is worse than the current POTUS.
5, Add to all this the vast expenditure wasted on bad contract negotiation, Lean/Pacesetter, re-branding, re-housing etc.
6. Senior staff continue to be paid vast bonuses.
Will someone explain WTF is going on and how it is being allowed to continue? Please!
HMRC needs external, independent, professional investigators to get in there and find out WTF is going on. Lives are being ruined - staff and 'customers'/taxpayers as a result of certain individuals being allowed, by senior management, to ride roughshod over peoples fundamental human rights.
ReplyDeleteHMRC are a disgrace to the civil service as a whole. Is Mark Sedwill going to inquire with the fat controller as to his account of this gigantic mess?
Well said above commentators.
ReplyDeleteI was made homeless & lost everything ever worked for & have to pay for subsequent private medical treatment AS A RESULT OF HMRC CORRUPTION!!! THEY ARE COWARDLY F*CKING THUGS!!!
It's no coincidence that the results of this survey were kept "in house" for 2 weeks.
ReplyDeleteReleased for public consumption to coincide with the Christmas break.
It's possible that the spin misters in comms will have been tasked to come up with a corporate reason for the results.
That reason is more likely to be that the workforce just didn't understand the questions......not that they are thoroughly fed up with the way HMRC is run
None whatsoever. I posted about this about a month ago. I knew what the rats would do and why they would do it. The propaganda police has had a few Malcolm Tucker meetings in the interim.
DeleteEnjoy the 'light hearted' congratulations next week when someone from HMRC gets an OBE for charity work or olympic standard brown nosing. Then its 2019 were 'we' can 'look forward' to the new year and many 'challenges'.
PCS has withdrawn from pay discussions, as they are pile of shite basically. Treeza as the final say. However, never fear, as our Trougher in Chief recognises the financial pressures staff are under.
Let's see if 2019 brings a few surprises with it shall we...
Sidwell's response...pure spin bollox :
ReplyDeleteToday, we published the results of the 10th annual Civil Service People Survey. Thank you to those who organised it and, especially, to the over 300,000 civil servants who took part.
The results are a tribute to the hard work and great teamwork of the entire service: an Engagement Index of 62% matching the 62% level of public trust from the latest Ipsos Mori survey of public trust in different professions. Both are record scores and still rising. Trust validates our impact as public servants, demonstrating that our fellow citizens know that we operate professionally and impartially, and that we are determined to reflect the diversity of the society we serve.
Because we hold ourselves to the highest standards, we must always seek to improve. For example, we must continue the concerted effort to eliminate discrimination, bullying and harassment across the Civil Service. The survey demonstrates that, despite our efforts, 11% to 12% of us are still experiencing this kind of behaviour. Tackling this must be a common endeavour: if you are aware of, let alone experience, an incident of unacceptable behaviour, please report it, ensure action is taken and support the colleague involved.
Meanwhile, whatever your role, please make your own contribution to building the inclusive teams which deliver the impact for and deserve the trust of our fellow citizens.
In a short message like this, I can focus only on the headlines of the People Survey. But let me assure you that we are analysing all the rich data it contains about how you feel about your jobs, colleagues, teams, institutions and leadership.
Whether you are operating in small teams or large, please discuss your team’s results with your colleagues, celebrate the areas of which you are proud and address the problems or gaps together. The survey isn’t a management tool, it’s a leadership tool, and leadership is a common endeavour: Impact – Teamwork – Trust.
Thank you.
Trust......what trust?!
DeleteEngagement score of 62% - truly awful. But senior managers will all pick up their bonuses. And staff will be rewarded with a small pay increase - real pay cuts over 10 years.
Delete62% was the CS average engagement, The Muppet Show only managed a dismal 49% as copied from 1st line of ratings at head of this thread====
Delete"Engagement : CS 62% v HMRC 49% (-13%)"
ReplyDeleteFFS, just WTF does that drivel ACTUALLY mean? HMRC is totally mismanaged, as is most of the Civil Service looking at the results in a wider context.
DeleteThey live in their own tick box world...useless fuckwits !!
All in the week when another HMRC Criminal Tracey Gritthiths of Wolverhampton office has been sentenced for tax credit fraud -albeit she got an unduly light sentence! Absolute scum.
ReplyDeleteHMRC saying the usual shite that this is rare!
Sadly HMRC staff misconduct is out of control!
About time the government sorts out the corrupt hmrc!
Merry Christmas!
Just to clarify....the vast majority of HMRC staff are hard working people....we are being crucified by the shower of useless shite at senior management level.
DeleteIt's been going on since 2005 in HMRC and before that in it's constituent parts.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the general public remain unaware of how much of their hard earned tax payments have been wasted as a result of these various moral, ethical, civil and criminal lawbreaking activities do not expect any change in the status quo.
Should the true figures be published there would be nothing short of a full and open investigation, findings and outcomes that could satisfy the publics collective anger.
The poor 'customer' "service" alone would have resulted in the same 'customers' seeking services elsewhere, were there a choice. Were HMG to be fully aware of the effects and impacts that the money wasted has upon overall public services e.g. health, education, law & order, it might of need become a top priority for actions 9note plural).
Don't expect any change soon, but expect a hell of a ruckus in the New Year sometime around March?
These results are no surprise at all. HMRC treats its staff like dirt, lies to its staff (the 'building their future' *ahem* conversations), says it takes mental health seriously (then does the opposite) - the list could go on forever.
ReplyDeleteThose are awful figures for any employer, and Excom and HR should hang their collective heads in shame.
I dare say the propoganda will spin these results positively.
HMRC needs to be indepedently audited, with binding results. They are a dire employer, who rely on bullying and intimidation to manage their workforce.
They're nothing but a disgrace as an employer, and are ruining (and have ruined) staffs lives.
Here's to another shite year for the low paid staff in the HMRC.
ReplyDeleteFuck you Jon Thompson !!!
And yet in spite of the results, the unrest of the staff, the "manipulation" of meaningless figures to prove some point or other, and the shocking disregard of the Civil Service Code, Thompson gets awarded a Knighthood.
ReplyDeleteAbout time to "Fuck off, Sir John".