Report on
Bullying, Harassment and
Discrimination interviews
Report issued January 2016
2014 People Survey Bullying, Harassment and
Large Business Leadership Team Message
This report is a response to the concerns the Large Business leadership team had about the bullying, harassment and discrimination results in the 2014 People Survey.
We wanted to get a better understanding of what lay behind those responses and more importantly what action we need to take to improve things. We therefore commissioned an independent team to gather your views in a confidential environment and provide an anonymised report to allow us to take this issue forward.
We are very grateful to everyone who took the time to take part.
This report does not make comfortable reading and we were both shocked and upset by the findings .
However we are determined to take action and have already taken some of the steps needed to address the issues raised.
Please do discuss this report in your teams and share your thoughts on how we can make improvements for everyone in Large Business .
Kind regards,
Judith Knott and LBLT
Our anonymised report details the feedback f rom LB staff who took part in that interview process . The headline results from the People Survey 2014 figures for LB are:
Number of people who completed the survey - 1403 (response rate of 63%)
- Staff who had experienced bullying and harassment – 11 %
- Staff who preferred not to say – 9 %
- Staff who had experienced discrimination at work – 15 %
- Staff who preferred not to say – 10 %
At the time of writing this report we feel it is important to note the results of 2015 People Survey as they reaffirm the need for action on these issues .
Number of people who completed the survey - 1715 (response rate of 70 %)
- Staff who had experienced bullying and harassment – 14 %
- Staff who preferred not to say – 7 %
- Staff who had experienced discrimination at work – 18 %
- Staff who preferred not to say – 10 %
Read full report here.
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Judith Knott says all the 'right things' in that report but the truth is the violent bullying culture at HMRC is out of control.
ReplyDeleteHMRC staff who have bullied, harassed, broken the law (including criminal acts) have been allowed to get away with it all with the help of the very people who should be stamping it out - Human Resources (HR).
Time to get the authorities in there and investigate whether staff involved in all the cover ups have committed the serious crime of Misconduct in Public Office.
they were published 19/12/2018....
Merry Christmas but it don't look that good for some!
ReplyDeleteEngagement 68% same as NCA amongst others for some reason ROFL
WRONG...looked at wrong lines, actual engagement 49% ffs!
Someone needs to have a better look than I.
Employee engagement is dire per the 2018 survey: 49% bit at least they are not bang last this time.
ReplyDeleteNo,that distinct prize falls to The Valuation Agency on 44%. Oh hang on, they are part of The HMRC cluster...
ReplyDeleteHMRC results compared to average civil service are appalling....we are now the worst department in Whitehall...used to be the best.... disgusting.
ReplyDeleteI still cannot see the rational of merging HMC&E and IR, creating SOCA from HMC&E and Police officers, then splitting off HMC&E detection force to UKBA. Both SOCA and UKBA have undergone a "rebranding". For what? What benefit has this afforded any of we tax payers? How much has all of this cost? Are these the reasons behind bullying and harassment, with every single one of us forced to reach targets to justify these pointless changes?
ReplyDeleteSo here goes : Civil Service 2018 scores vs HMRC Satisfaction ratings:
ReplyDeleteEngagement : CS 62% v HMRC 49% (-13%)
My Work: CS 76% v HMRC 67% (-9%)
Organisation Objectives : CS 83% v HMRC 80% (-3%)
My manager : CS 70% v HMRC 69% (-1%)
My Team : CS 81% v HMRC 82% (+1%)
Learning & Development : CS 54% v HMRC 54% (-)
Inclusion and fair treatment : CS 78% v HMRC 73% (-5%)
Resources and Workload : CS 73% v HMRC 68% (-5%)
Pay & Benefits: CS 31% v HMRC 22% (-9%)
Leadership/Managing Change : CS 47% v 38% (-9%)
Truly awful figures....and take into consideration that this survey was virtually forced on us...and senior management were expecting better scores with all the new staff.
Pay,Leadership and training are all horrific results.
And the engagement index is 13% worse than the CS average.
You are captain of the Titanic Jon Thompson !!!
These results are no surprise at all. HMRC treats its staff like dirt, lies to its staff, says it takes mental health seriously (then does the opposite).
ReplyDeleteThose are awful figures for any employer, and Excom and HR should hang their collective heads in shame.
I'm no longer there (fortunately), but I dare say the propoganda will spin these results positively.
These results are indicative of an organisation which is rife with casual law-breaking and violent bullying which is widely known about.
ReplyDeleteExpect nothing to change folks. That Jonathan Thompson has been knighted, despite his personal failure to deal with harmful bullying is a great big "Fuck You!!!" to past and present victims, many of whom are still dealing with the consequences including mental suffering and suicidal ideation.
It's so sad the way its gone downhill. Worked there 24 years but the last couple of years came across some real scumbags but had the experience and guile to f*ck them off . I know some can't so you good managers still there need to weed out the scum bully's
ReplyDeleteStart with the deputy directors side kick (a grade 6) if you dare. The rot goes to the top so there's no chance and as for the trade unions, they are complicit in the institutionalised bullying by their omissions. Cowards.
ReplyDeleteWe see many current / former HLRC staff have commented. If you feel like exposing the rot and getting back at the scumbags who made this once respected organisation what it is today (I'm looking at a certain newly "knighted" b*stard, but not only!), may we interest you in the great whistleblower portal run by the LCAG:
They are interested in all kinds of hmrc dirt, not only that related to the LC or APN s.
Confidentiality 100% guaranteed.