I have redacted the name of the HMRC manager, so as not to prejudice any possible future criminal trial.
"....provide You with an account of the bullying NAME REDACTED was responsible for, the human impact which I have wanted to do for a long time. You could publish this and get the folks on your site to share it a bit. I am one of many.
I suffered at his hands for 4 years. Here is how it went:
Imagine work so bad, being so undermined, so utterly demeaned are You by one person and back by senior colleagues both privately and publicly You can't sleep at the start. You can't talk to Your wife as You are so demeaned you feel she'll think less of You. It has to be me doesn't it?
You hide it. You are alone.
The sleep and the harassment get bad, they are poring over minor things, they are constantly moving the goalposts, they are publicly criticising You in front of Your colleagues. The bad word is put out.
NAME REDACTED and cronies start to make the visible impacts of their behaviour on You public. His senior and junior management back him and spread the word.
You can't concentrate. You lose what little confidence You have left. Resign? I have a mortgage. Who else would employ me. I am letting My family down. I am failing My wife. I am failing My children. These are My life. I have to hang on.
You hide it. You are alone.
The sleep gets worse. You are shaking all the time. You can't look Yourself in a mirror as You see inadequacy looking back. The harassment gets worse they are questioning your professional integrity to anyone who'll listen. Friends and colleagues are told by NAME REDACTED and his senior manager to dis-associate themselves from You. They do. You walk out of the office for a break, they walk away when they see You.
You hide it. You are alone.
You go home. You cuddle Your son. He asks: 'daddy why are You shaking so bad'. You are afraid to cuddle him after that. You wife things You are on drugs because of the shaking and that sleep and worry has left You with zero concentration. The sleep gets worse. You try to speak to NAME REDACTED to end this. You try his manager. You are told You are failing, You have failed the team, that the 'word out there' they instigated is deserved. There is no where to go in HMRC. They have destroyed You.
You hide it. You are alone.
You travel in on an underground train into work sweating and shaking at the dread of another day with NAME REDACTED and his managers doing this. A kind soul gives You a card on their way off the train for a drug rehabilitation support centre. Heroin withdrawal? Never touched drugs in My life. You are humiliated to Your core. It is now blindingly obvious.
You can't hide it. You are alone.
You take a sick day. Know You'll get panned by NAME REDACTED and his manager. Wife is at work. You line the pills on the counter. Lorazepam (30 should do the job) they gave me them to sleep. You take the first two then bottle it. Not leaving son with the smear of a suicide father. ......Do it day by day. Try to carry on managing Your team, try to escape the bad word. This goes on for 3 years. Every day.
You hide it. You are as alone as anyone can ever be in life.
You put the pills away for good... You move on. Then You pour this out at the enquiry when You are asked like a good boy. HMRC not interested.
You hide it. HMRC make sure You are alone. It was only bullying.
You read the Guardian article with no warning and realise that however bad this is there are sexual assault victims who must feel much worse. You question Yourself even more. They can move on. Why can I not?
Picture this going on forever.
Do with this what You will Mr Frost. There are those worse of than me and I live for My son."
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Another very brave victim of (****).
ReplyDeleteThe more that come forward the greater the chance you'll get justice.
Contact Ken here or message me via @PaulGarlick8 on Twitter.
Together, you will be heard.
Paul Garlick. You failed all the genuine victims of HMRC's filthy bullying culture.
DeleteThank you to the anonymous person who sent his account of HMRC bullying to Ken.
DeleteI am a victim of bullying & harassment at an HMRC office. There's too many of us. Left broken and suicidal. How I'd love to have a one-to-one, in-person chat with the perpetrators. They'll avoid that. Cowards.
I understand people's genuine anger with HMRC. Nobody should go to work and come home clinically depressed or suicidal.
DeleteI've read a large number of stories about HMRC bullying across multiple online platforms. "Depressed", "Broken", "Suicidal" - three words, amongst others, that are mentioned all too frequently!!
What *really* has been going on at HMRC?
Does anyone know if there have been any prosecutions of HMRC staff in relation to these matters?
I'm so disgusted about this that I will not pay my tax bill next January because I'm not going to fund a rogue organisation that goes about acting like a gang of bullying, little thugs.
Sadly I am another victim of HMRC workplace violence.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to say a huge thank you to the gentleman who volunteered their account of bullying. It describes very well the insidious nature at the beginning of their bullying tactics.
I suffered an experience going on for a number of years which was VERY similar to the above. In the end, I was forced into resigning (with a mortgage) after becoming aware of a conspiracy to cover-up the violence by HR and with the final straw being when a female manager tried to threaten me by sending her boyfriend round to my home address. Still being an employee at the time, I now regret not robustly confronting the weaselly little man and reporting the matter to the local police.
I was left a broken man and homeless. I really understand the feeling of being demeaned and am fighting back tears as a write this. These bastards would NEVER belittle me on their own, fact to face but got away with it by telling LIES (including in subsequent court proceedings) and safety by there being a number of CORRUPT management.
I was diagnosed with PTSD. I currently await my next bout of mental health therapy.
We will never forget that HMRC is a CORRUPT and DISHONEST organisation. Taxpayers should take note. They may be ok now but in the future they could become another victim of HMRC's UNACCEPTABLE culture.
I would say to current victims of HMRC to seek help early on - health and legal. And if HMRC are breaking the CRIMINAL law report them to the police. Thanks again for this account and best wishes to anyone suffering from current or past HMRC violence.
Don't normally swear but HMRC? f*ck me , what a bunch of c*unts !!
ReplyDeleteThat's just the tip of the iceberg. Also the Nazis were mere civil servants doing what they were told. Enjoy the abuse of power the did. Happened to me too. Grievance went all the way shy of court. The c word described does not cover how bad they are. O bands to grade 6s. Rotten through to the core.
ReplyDeleteI've said it before and I'll say it again. I, as an "O" grade, object to the blanket vilification of me in the above comment. I have NEVER bullied, nor cast aspersions, nor demeaned any of my staff.
ReplyDeleteI treat every single one of them with humanity, compassion and fairness.
I will NOT be demeaned in this way. Please either retract your statement or amend it.
Thank you.
DeleteI am not the poster about the O Grade....and i believe you....but let me state this as a fact,and I only speak for my office.....the O Grade are a disgrace and should be ashamed of themselves....they are there for their own self preservation...they have absolutely no idea how to manage staff...except for being on their backs constantly.
The art of staff management is well and truly dead in the HMRC.
Any Band O who has one ounce of compassion is moved on.
My sympathy for you is little in comparison to the brave soul who is being tortured daily.
To @ 15:31. I am NOT the poster @ 13:38. I also accept that not everyone (whatever grade) in HMRC is a bullying scumbag. A significant minority are though.
DeleteI have been left SUICIDAL by HMRC management so don't need any more patronising 'lectures' from those still on the payroll. But, if you do still work for HMRC, what are you doing about the bullying culture? Have you considered whether it's realistic to continue working for a place that has harmed so many people ??
Re anonymous at 15.31. Precious little petal. Did you even read the guys' statement at the top of this article. So sorry you were offended. Bless you. You are brilliant and it's all good. Egocentric idiots like you are why there is so much bullying in HMRC. It's all about me isn't it?
DeleteThank you for sharing your experience; words don't express how awful I feel for you and the anger I feel towards those who should have stopped this disgraceful string of events. I hope you find peace and strength to put this behind you.
ReplyDeleteI've worked in the Dept for many years and have come across bullies only a handful of times, unfortunately the issue is rarely tackled effectively without getting senior managers onboard.
No one is trained properly anymore for anything - and gone are the days when there was face to face assertiveness training. For a while there was money spent on understanding how teams worked and personnel strengths, in terms of training. I even got to do a residential course entitled "The Manager as Counsellor" which was invaluable.
From training to performance management - it seems that the very infrastructure of HMRC is now a place that manufacturers bullies by default. Changing the grievance process alone isn't going to help unless every work initiative is based in staff welfare first.
#I am Victim 48.
DeleteWhy did I leave HMRC? Glad you asked.
ReplyDeleteMy wife was pregnant. My Father had died of a brain tumour two weeks previously. My mother had collapsed into a complete mess.
So I took two weeks off to sort things out. During that time a minor issue arose that nobody else could deal with. So they didn't even try.
Upon my return the dysfunctional scumbag I worked for spent 10 minutes screaming at me in an open office finishing off with " Oh I suppose having the dead father was useful. "
I invited him to come with me to his manager to finish that particular conversation. He declined.
I then lodged a formal complaint with HR and..... nothing happened. Apart from his aggression and grief from his cronies ramping up that is.
So I resigned. New job is tough in terms of workload but devoid of the vile bullying culture.
Never work for HMRC
I am manager to a small and hardworking team, and we are that, a team. We work together for the good of the public we serve as civil servants.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I do see others stating they are being "bullied" because they will not do a part of the work that is a part of the role they are employed in. I then feel put upon as I then have to do what they will not. Who is therefore the bullied?
I feel so sorry for those I read of on here, as I have no idea that this goes on. Whatever, I don't have a family to keep or a mortgage to pay, so I'm off in a few weeks. The shits that "run" the department have ground me down. I can no longer do the job I want, as I spent more and more of my time doing stupid returns and training for which there is little need. Rather than be robust, HMRC keep bringing in changes that amount to shooting them selves in the foot, and dragging down their experienced staff.
I have little guilt in leaving my colleagues to it, but I bet I feel 100 more times the guilt Fat Boy will when he inevitably retires, now that he has his knighthood and gold plated pension. I wish all those that have no option but to stay, all the very best for the future.
Truth is HMRC is an extremely dangerous place to work.
ReplyDeleteThe severe degree of psychological violence meted outed by HR and Management, to those brave staff who call out misconduct, which leaves people damaged on every level is a national disgrace.
I hope one day the thugs that ran riot in HMRC, part & currently, will face justice for their behaviour.
In my case I believe a senior HR person called Charmaine De Souza helped HR & others facilitate a cover up to deny justice being served. I lost everything as a result. Maybe one day their consciences will catch up with them all (they know who they are)...depends whether they have the natural human empathy.
Thank you for putting up this email and to the colleague for the courage to write it.
ReplyDeleteBehind the fake smiles and pen pictures, this is the horrific reality for workers in the rotten shithole.
The PR pukes are more interested in telling the public how diverse the place is and they support National Save the Giraffe week. Hollow platitudes remain for the lives they ruin.
To all HMRC victims - please, please put your health first.
ReplyDeleteSpeak to your GP, NHS 111 or call the Samaritans 116 123.
Business and People Support offer free counselling, the scum pay for it. Not just counselling over the phone, you are entitled to SIX free face to face sessions with a Counsellor in a twelve month period.
ReplyDeleteUse it. The shite pick up the tab.
As a side note (hope I don't get shot down), I also take CBD Oil for Stress and Anxiety. It does help, get it in health shops. No side effects and a lot better than waiting for NHS Doctor appointment.
If the brave person who wrote the letter is reading this and you are shaking like that, you need help very quickly. I agree with 18:14 with regard to NHS and Samaritans
Sadly this wasn't an option for me. Tried it but was told my problems were too severe (so was left to purely NHS treatment only).
DeleteHMRC were as useful as a chocolate teapot, and eventually told me I was sacked by letter.
The way they treat bullying is disgusting, and the way they treat mental health is appalling.
To 15:31. Get off your high horse and accept the truth. I said o bands to grade 6 rotten through to the core. I did not include the word ALL. But seeing as you are so touchy, feeling guilty? Since I was bullied by a grade 7 and an O band toady following her instructions I have since been fortunate to have been managed by a couple of really good O band managers. 15:31 has no place being hypersensitive. Their type of self defensive bile proves my point and when their vile behaviouris challenged fake tears and an Oscar winning performance comprising of lots of mock shock is displayed. Go find a rock crawl under itit a show some humanity for those that have suffered tyranny.
ReplyDeleteYou did not include the word ALL but you did not include the word SOME either. Perhaps he/she doesn't like being called 'vile', 'rotten' etc if they're not like that. Feel free to through puerile abuse at me if it makes you feel better.
ReplyDeleteHey Kev, there is enough puerile abuse floating around here without asking for more, and did you mean thro not through?
DeleteSorry meant throw, trying to do too many things at thrice! ;)
ReplyDeleteI did indeed mean throw. This is what happens when you're of a certain age and don't have spellchecker. Hope I got the point across though.
ReplyDeleteI just find this incredibly sad Kevin. There are a couple of heart-rending accounts here of people at rock bottom. And here you are, You and others arguing semantics. Sometimes we need to big big people and truly see the plight of others and not ourselves. Some vs. All? One point. With clouding a real issue with semantics such as this is the classic example of why management have been able to get away with hurting people. But you don't care. Rather look the big man. Read the accounts above and think are the semantics worth it. Don't be a small and insular part of a problem where people can't cuddle their kids....
DeleteArguing over semantics?
DeleteRather, semantics tend to provide a bit of clarity for those finding difficulty with linguistics.
Reading between the lines sometimes helps you know.
I think 'Kevin' might be a troll account.
DeleteBeen on here before to offer a 'different perspective'.
The stories on here are compelling and tell of Hmrc staff left suicidal.
Why would someone choose to quibble of the trivialities of the language some use to describe the culture when the substance of the issue is of such magnitude?
Hmrc staff, past & present, are suffering all sorts because of bullying (and in some cases apparently worse) - all of which has been covered up.
I am afraid that such a 'perspective' as Kevin's hands all the power to the corrupt and to the oppressor.
I was merely pointing out that not every band O and above in HMRC is a 'nazi' or 'c***',and to suggest that they are is trivialising a serious problem. You may describe this as a different perspective but I prefer the term common sense.
DeleteAs a victim of Nellthorp who was grad 4 SCS I think using this forum to 'have your say' is belittling to what I went through. Please stop trolling Kevin. It is patronising and insensitive. Ken. Can you remove this troll?
DeleteUsing a forum to have my say. How shocking! I thought that was what forums were for. No need for Ken to remove me - if nobody on here is prepared to engage in a debate then I'm off. Enjoy screaming at yourselves in an echo chamber.
DeleteI suspect You are a troll, bully and IG mole trying to look good in front of Your seniors you sad man. Stop belittling people who have really suffered. Just because Your wife got insulted? Troll idiot. Better Your sort retire and some decent managers replace bullying dinosaurs like you. Move on.
DeleteI said that I was off here but I really have to reply to @21:50.
DeleteHave you actually read my posts? To clarify:
1) I retired from HMRC on 31st May 2014.
2) I have neither belittled nor bullied anyone.
3) I have no idea what an 'IG mole' is.
4) "just because your wife got insulted" ??? I mean, seriously, WTF!!!!
As someone who's life has been trashed by HMRC corruption i believe this troll is behaving like a cowardly & offensive cunt.
DeleteSo because I don't think every band O in HMRC is a Nazi that makes me a "cowardly and offensive c***".
DeleteWhat a well argued point of view. You must feel very proud of yourself.
I remember you Kevin. You got retired off early a while back. I Used to work in the same office. Few allegations followed You out the door didn't they you utter hypocrite? Not just from male staff members. No wonder you can't leave it alone.
DeleteYou are missing the point entirely. @10:58 is implying that everyone in HMRC at grade O and above is involved in an evil plot to destroy the lives of the people they manage and taxpayers they deal with. This is clearly paranoid insanity.
ReplyDeleteWe all know that there are massive problems with HMRC and the way it is managed by people who generally have neither knowledge of or interest in taxation but to just throw abuse at vast swathes of people many of whom are trying to do their best is trivialising a serious problem.
This site does an important job in shining a light on scandals that the mainstream media appear uninterested in but is in danger of being hijacked by self-indulgent trolls.
I remember you too. Kevin the Octopuss they used to call You....
DeleteSo to summarise. I have had a minor disagreement on here regarding whether or not all managers in HMRC are evil or not and I am now a sex offender who was retired early.
DeleteIn actual fact I retired 10 days after my 60th birthday which had been planned for many years. I was not made aware of any allegations made against me at any point in my career.
I bet you can't even name the office where I worked.
Poor Ken must be appalled by this nonsense.
It can't be? Blimey it's old 'Kickback Kev: The Agent's Best Friend'..... Hadn't heard the Octopuss one before but it doesn't surprise me. Thought the shunted you out years ago!
DeleteSo not only am I a sex offender but I took bribes while in office as well. I assume that you have reported this to the police. Thought not.
DeleteBy the way you may feel free to name the office that I (we) worked in.
Problem is you can't can you.
To be an effective liar it helps to have more than one brain cell.
Did you take the odd back-hander Kev?
DeleteKevin Wilson is a troll account operated by ONE individual who comments on here often under a number of aliases, usually defending the indefensible. Ummm....???
DeleteAnd here is the problem writ large: far too many in senior management not interested in operational matters other than in terms of KPI's.
ReplyDeleteWholly disconnected so if some people operate with a mindset that enables and amplifies atrocious behaviours can do so with near impunity.
Lay a "nothing to see here" culture embedded at the highest institutional levels on top of that and it is not a good place to start from.
Needs radical change.
Let me stop you there @14:09.....we have been told and have it on our internal Intranet page that KPIs will now "NOT be taken into account when assessing a staff member's performance".
DeleteI will believe it when I see it....smoke and mirrors.
KPI's and performance.
DeleteA short story, the US Navy let their "Top Gun" pilots set their own objectives and KPI's and self assess.
The pilots all came out as exceeded KPI's and objectives surpassed. The only problem is that there were still aircraft being crashed when landing. Hmmm!
In my experience Kevin. In the interests of balance, most O bands are either too weak to stand up to bullying HO's or senior grades unwilling to comply with policies which are supposed to be in alignment with the law. Or they are complicit in institutionalised bullying where there only focus is patting themselves on the back for a job well done. Not all are guilty, there are a few rare good eggs. But as soon as they get on the protected ladder of blowing ones own trumpet to further their glorious careers they become dismissive of evidence, well educated advice by lower grades that keep them in a job.
ReplyDeleteSo Kevin and like minded zeolites, I am so sorry you feel your nose has been put out of joint by my comments. But at the end of the day you are entitled to your opinion so keep your small minded, ineffective, psychopath worshipping rhetoric to yourself. This blog is for those of us that have suffered at the hands of these self serving bullies and to expose this type of behaviour. Not to appease useless precious snowflake toadies like yourself. As my signature implies, it is us decent people who are not engaging with the likes of you.
Anyone know what's happening with Nelthorpes suspended toady sidekicks yet? Sound's like someone aspires to be like these great leaders.
This blog is not just for people who share your opinions. It is for anyone with a contribution to make. Some of us are capable of making a point without resorting to the kind of abuse one would expect from a petulant 10 year old.
DeleteBut carry on if it makes you feel better.
Let's get back on topic,chaps.
DeleteI agree entirely. So piss off this thread 'Kickback Kev'. And take Your Octopuss tendencies with You.
ReplyDeleteAn update on Nellthorp's toadies would be appreciated. From what I understand they were well into their bullying. They didn't discriminate by grade either.
If you or any of your friends wish to come out from behind the protection of 'anonymous' and repeat your allegations against me then I am more than happy to continue our conversation in a court of law.
DeleteBut you haven't got the cojones have you?
Kevin this thread is about bullying not financial impropriety in a public office. We'll start one just for You if You like. We'll even have a whip round to slide you a few quid to make You feel at home.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, on the original post Paul Garlic copied it around Twitter. Was their any reaction? If HMRC ignored that they really are turning a blind eye to all of this behaviour. No wonder people use forums like this rather than whistleblowing internally.
I would say that anonymously accusing someone of sexual and financial crimes because you disagree with their opinion is a pretty good example of bullying.
DeleteHowever I do agree that your hysterical mates have dragged this thread off topic.
Which is a shame.
Blind eye, incompetence or cover up?
ReplyDeleteSeems to me this particular thread just got very interesting. At the end of the day the blog provides a VERY useful outlet to expose and share experiences lived or witnessed. But as soon as folk start purging the management grades the better off the UK will be. My own case was also a breech in statute law which left me feeling suicidal. Just this week I have witnessed a DPA breech and cover up by HO and O bands by disposing of OH reports in an attempt to pretend disabilities do not exist. Very MUCH an attempt to hide evidence by leaders to manage vulnerable staff out of the door.
ReplyDeleteJust out of curiosity, does anyone know what Nelthorpes cronies lowest managerial grades were? Doesn't matter if no body does.
Do you mean who he managed directly or lowest grades in his various teams?
DeleteJust wondering if Dooley and Bradley were parachuted into a management grade or worked their way up from an E / A grade.
DeleteNah both started out as A grades. Both shagged their way up the ladder working for Nellthorp and cronies. In Dooley's case I am genuinely surprised as she has a better moustache than Joseph Stalin. Bradley widely quoted as telling colleagues 'he's sex mad I'll get My Grade 6 out of this' when she got into Nellthorp's management chain as an HO.
DeleteFunny that they began their managerial careers and fine tuned their bullying theand dishonesty skills starsing in their tenure at the lowest management grades. Kev's gone quiet. Thanks for that. I loan her a pair of clippers.
DeleteBradley - Officer to G6 in 5 yrs wasn't it?
DeleteAround the same speed of advancement as the call centre diatribe. Was some bet hopping there too being passed off as an appraisal. Usually promoted because they had the same psychotic tendancies as their mentors.
DeleteBut often certain grade 7 and HO appostles seen demonstrating brash laddette behaviour binge drinking and kissing the gutter. Apparently it is the desired quality of a great leader. The speed indicates no checks by HMRC to QA their ability or qualifications. Makes me puke.
Reading some of the comments here, all I can say is some of you pansies need to man up.
ReplyDelete"Crying as a I write?"
"Couldn't tell my wife as she might of thought of me as less of a man" (guess what, Sherlock?).
Grow a pair, or move to North Korea which Ken loves so much. I'm sure Kim will look after you.
Interesting. So the sexual assault victims need to man up and get over it? Let's just be more resilient eh? It's ok, it was just a bit of consensual slap and tickle? You are looking a bit of a prat aren't you?
DeleteDearest 25 February 2019 @ 21:46,
DeleteI was one of the many victims left suicidal by HMRC misconduct and cover-up. Yes, in case you're illiterate, let me repeat, suicidal. "grow a pair" ? I have a huge pair of bollocks but that did not insulate from the mental health suffering caused by HMRC corruption. I am not ashamed to admit the affect it had on me. I am not coward. I would gladly meet up with the corrupt HMRC officers to this day to talk these matters through - but would prefer a proper investigation to protect others in the future. I would extend my offer to you, should you wish to meet up to discuss your concerns. I am certain you wouldn't be so rude face-to-face.
Mark Nellthorp, is that you?
ReplyDeleteEither him or one of the many sympathisers in C-A Bootle St John's House. Some of whom were suspended for leaking info to Dooley and others for fixing jobs! Others remain and continue to be sympathiser TW*TS!
DeleteProbably not him. Think he has some concerns around paying his 2 grand a month mortgage at the moment and the cost of his impending 3rd divorce.
DeleteHis full pension he left with should help with that!
DeleteAre You joking? His pension will be 50k plus a year? After all he has done to 60 or more people for many years he keeps a pension pot in excess of one million pounds? This is disgusting. Do the press know this Paul G.?
DeleteYes they do.
DeletePretty disgusting contrast that he receives a full pension whilst some victims have left, some on half pay, some on nil pay.
As far as I understand it, but I could be wrong, only a minister can withdraw CS pension rights and the individual would have to be found guilty of a serious crime in a court of law. Sticks in the craw but I don't think it would be wise to change the rules so that HMRC would have the right to withdraw pension rights of those it sacks given its discriminatory record.
DeleteI'm staggered that Nellthorp is appealing his dismissal for gross misconduct. Says everything you need to know about him.
21:46 25th February - Truly shocking response to suicidal person.
ReplyDeleteThe 'mark' of the many people involved in this sick story. My partner was a victim in this, it was reported to HMRC late last year.
The aforementioned Counter Avoidance office in St Johns House Bootle is one of the hotspots this flourished in. There are many allies of the women and Mark there. They like 21:46 are in denial at what they have done and caused.
I do not work for HMRC, but we need an INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION into how and why this happened for so many years unchallenged and on the face of what we can read online how so many people knew and buried their heads in the sand.
I will not be drawn into a slanging match here, it is true for the twisted women and their allies the silence has fallen.
Said ladies have been named publicly on the Valentines thread. Blimey!
DeleteI'm surprised the press has gone so quiet on this. Silenced?
ReplyDeleteI pinged a trio of reporter interests and got no reply, 2 from press, 1 from TV.
ReplyDeleteDoes make you wonder?
Will Humphries Times is interested and has been contacted by a number of people. He has posted his details a number of times on various posts and can provide assurances re anonymity.
ReplyDeleteI would urge anyone with info about Nellthorp case and HMRC handling to make contact.
Anyone thought of writing a book called "HMRC Bullying" ?
ReplyDeleteit would certainly help generate more publicity about whats been going on and what they have been getting away with for far far too long !!
A how to guide by HMRC ? ;)
DeleteGuys & girls, this is a story about using HMRC databases to identify women that were vulnerable, move them to a directorate, drug them and rape them.
DeleteThere may be some humour in writing a book about hmrc 'bulling' but this thread/subject isn't it.
EXCOM would use it as a training manual for the useless and inept to bully more effectively.
ReplyDeleteIf the so-called Management and Human Resources 'Cover-up' Unit at HMRC had been my partner in a domestic setting instead of my (former) employer they would have been sent to prison for coercive controlling violence for how they behaved over many years ! Much worse than physical violence as its intention is to strip human beings (HMRC staff) over any worth, self-confidence and self-esteem.
ReplyDeleteInstead lets see them prosecuted for the criminal offences they have committed in relation to misuse of data, harassment, misconduct in public office etc just for a start...
No wonder I am having to read of sickening creatures like Nellthorpe getting away with harming HMRC staff...its what happens when management & HR enable & cover-up bullying & corruption by the few (management) of the many (HMRC staff & taxpayers).
Wake up people. You many not have been another a victim of HMRC violence yet but very few are genuinely safe from them. Unless and until the culture is cleaned up more people will suffer at the hands of the corrupt HMRC.
Sir Disgrace - CLO (Chief Lying Office) of HMRC - you turned a blind eye to a very serious case of HMRC bullying which left my partner suicidal didn't you? You also deliberately and dishonestly attempted to mislead a democratically elected Member of Parliament about the circumstances of this matter didn't you?
No wonder intelligent people - whether they HMRC staff or taxpayers (loan charge etc) have no trust in you. It's the behaviour of a thug and a scumbag.
ReplyDeleteWHY - Has nobody begun a criminal investigation into what appear to be a series of conspiracies to pervert the course of justice?
(Prima Facie evidence lays across the media and various blogs.
Evidence is evidence and a Judge will decide on its standing.)
After collating evidence on the sexual asualt issue, I've been given a host of files that put people in the frame for PCJ.
DeleteOnce I've got justice for the Nellthorp victims I may pursue this or hand redacted copies to someone that will.
I'll not stop until the victims get justice.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteKen, I have always avoided naming names as an anonymous poster, I am more than happy, as are many ex.colleagues to submit evidence to the proper authority but shouting names via anonymity needs to be curtailed or stopped.
DeleteClimbing the greasy pole of management is a well known technique, but unless it involves something illegal...!
Any truth in any of this? Naming names lousy. But is there any truth?
DeleteKen. Thought Portsmouth Evening News was going to run a story on the fat pervert?
DeleteThat's what they told me. However, they didn't say when or what they would write. By all means drop them a line.
DeleteCopydesk Southdaily
DeleteSat 09/02/2019 11:20
Thanks Ken, will be doing
I'm adding to a file of sexual assault victims - this being annonomised and shared with the press and police.
ReplyDeleteFeel free to contact me via @PaulGarlick8 on Twitter or paulgarlick888@gmail.com
Sexual asualt, near misses & witnesses are my priority, other info will be handed over for background if they wish to run it ;)
All annonomised, always. I will ask you to contact press directly, but will never give up your details or events that clearly identify you, ever.
We'll do this, together, you're not alone.
Paul, can I confirm something publicly from Your Twitter feed? The powers that be in HMRC and specifically Counter Avoidance were discussing Nellthorp, drugging and victims in a meeting and were laughing about it?
ReplyDeleteNot directly. SLT knew and laughed about Nellthorp behaviour. Nellthorp had sent emails at director level describing what 'roofies' were.
DeleteHe also 'bragged' about having access to vulnerable NHS patients.
I've used some poetic license linking these together, I will be flabbergasted if I'm wrong after what I've seen.
Wow, the hand grenade has certainly caused the cess pit to erupt!
ReplyDeleteMomentum continues to increase, perhaps if the Police/IOPC don't want to touch this mess someone could organise a Judicial Review?
Portsmouth Evening News. Shame on You. Call yourselves a local paper? Local people bullied? Date rape drugs acquired from the QA for the purpose of..... Shame on You.
ReplyDeleteHang on a minute , what is to do with a newspaper?
DeleteDo try to keep abreast of the situation!
ReplyDeleteThey go on to promise respect in the workplace by holding micro meetings...whatever the fuck that is...but in the comments section it is noticeable they have urged their disciples to come out and post.....and the worrying thing i read is that management are commenting that the disrespect doesn't only come from management...it is widespread.
What a load of bollox....the rot starts from the top and it permeates down...if any decent managers try to question it...they are moved along.....and so the rotten snowball that starts at the top becomes an avalanche at the bottom,the AA/AO grade.
Another box ticking exercise.....bring on the strike !!!
There are some brilliant comments on there though!
ReplyDeleteWake up call for ExCom? Have they been asleep?
Calling out publishing Respect at work review early to counteract Guardian.
Esther Wallington appreciated everyones comments though (does she bollox).
Can we have a 'best of' put on this site please (for those of us not fortunate enough to still have access to the HMRC intranet)? Can't imagine any crunchy comments will be allowed to stay up for long there.
DeleteThey allow the criticism to start on....but ignore it and use it as an engagement box ticking exercise.... senior management dont give a fuck.
DeleteSir Jon has poked the hornet's nest again on the internal HMRC internet about the pathetic pay we receive especially at the lower grades....his usual tick box communication strategy....he tells us he is trying his hardest to get us a good deal and won't touch our terms and conditions....pure bollox...crocodile tears.
ReplyDeleteWatch in the coming months a "brilliant" deal which will be smoke and mirrors...a higher pay rise but having to work an hour extra a week,loss of flexi privileges,weekend and evening shifts.
The pay rise will be the main carrot to tempt staff....but in essence with terms and conditions will make it a pay freeze again.
You may call yourself a Christian,Jon.....but Jesus wouldn't have acted like you are......shame on you...you false prophet !!
Bring on the strike !!!!
This Tuesday afternoon is the result of the PCS ballot....please God at least the 50% turnout to have a "legal" vote....if not,we are well and truly screwed.
DeleteFUCKING DISGRACE I DEPAIR !!.....PCS leadership and 52% of PCS members need to take a long hard look at themselves.
Delete"PCS members in the civil service have voted by four to one in favour of strike action and action short of strike over pay, however, the ballot turnout of 47.7%, while over 6% higher than in 2018, is still just under 3,000 votes short of reaching the required 50% threshold."
A fucking shame on you lazy bastard PCS members who couldn't be arsed voting in one of the most important votes we have had....too fucking hard to post a freepost letter...may you all rot....you fucking imbeciles...i can hold my head high.....pathetic.
Why would you not vote one way or t'other ??
Why doesn't paul garlick take his legitimate and serious concerns about HMRC to the police? Let them investigate?
ReplyDeleteIn his post of 2nd March Mr Garlick says that he is sharing his files with the police.
DeleteFilthy Tart booking, rat flashing scrubbers.
DeleteThey have a dishonest fat bastard at the very top, hardly sets an example does it ?
DeleteThe police have a dishonest fat bastard at the very top?
DeleteHMRC have a fat bastard in charge unless I am mistaken, who I also believe to be dishonest in his attitude to HMRC staff bullying and violence based on personal experience as a victim of HMRC's cowardly assault on me.
DeleteNot sure what all of the fat bastardism on here has to do with Mr Garlick passing his evidence of HMRC organised criminality to the police.
DeleteWould be a shame if the files didn't exist.
Surely if he's dishonest he would be sacked, they have to adhere to the civil service code.
DeleteBallot turnout disappointing but I'm not surprised. People pay their dues but expect that to be their insurance policy. Don't ask some to go to the effort of voting or supporting a campaign that could benefit them. Apathy leads to the loss of hard won terms and conditions. It has also resulted in the continuing pay freeze as the employer knows it can rely on the slumbering majority to do absolutely nothing to help themselves, let alone each other.
ReplyDeleteAgreed...so many sheep in this place...they can't see the wood for the trees...imbeciles.
DeleteHas Jim Harra done anything about the toxic HMRC bullying culture?
ReplyDelete'Paul Garlick' and 'Kevin Wilson' have gone a bit quiet.
Gentleman Jim is another chocolate teapot....talks a good talk....and that's about it.
DeleteThe toxic bullying culture will not eradicated via voluntary action from HMRC.
DeleteIt will come from outside force i.e. law enforcement. Put the offenders before the courts, and the resultant bad publicity will change things pretty damn quick.
I am a staff victim of HMRC bullying and misconduct too.
ReplyDeleteAs a straight, white, male, the Department was confident they could get away with their violent and dishonest behaviour - it's all part of their attitude to 'diversity'.
A most awful, bigoted bunch of people.
I worked at HMRC in Cardiff and suffered some bullying there.
ReplyDeleteI was so desperate to get out that I left a short time before the end of my fixed term appointment and lost redundancy money. Tried everything beforehand. Complaints were dealt with lightly by management (of course). Union rep was little to no help.
Wrote to an MP after I left. They wrote to senior management and HMRC just denied everything and that was the end of that.
Approached a solicitor to make a claim for constructive dismissal. It's difficult to prove these allegations and HMRC has expensive legal counsel, so no dice.
I started having health problems whilst working there and was a fit and healthy person in general. Suffered with PTSD for several months afterwards. Unbelievable. What an eye-opener that experience was.
Please do consult a workplace injury solicitor regarding making a claim for your workplace injury i.e. PTSD.