Appointment of the new Chief Executive and Permanent Secretary at HMRC
Jim Harra appointed as the new Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary at HMRC, succeeding Sir Jonathan Thompson.

The Cabinet Secretary Sir Mark Sedwill, with the agreement of the
Prime Minister, has today announced the appointment of Jim Harra as the
new Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary at HM Revenue and
Customs (HMRC).
Jim was formerly the Second Permanent Secretary at HMRC, and has been covering the role of Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary on an interim basis since Sir Jonathan Thompson moved to become Chief Executive of the Financial Reporting Council.
Welcoming Jim Harra’s appointment, Sir Mark Sedwill said:
Jim was formerly the Second Permanent Secretary at HMRC, and has been covering the role of Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary on an interim basis since Sir Jonathan Thompson moved to become Chief Executive of the Financial Reporting Council.
Welcoming Jim Harra’s appointment, Sir Mark Sedwill said:
The Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid said:As Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary, Jim will continue building on the excellent work he has already set in motion at HMRC. I know that he will provide strong leadership to one of the biggest departments in the Civil Service, and his appointment reflects not only the huge contribution to public service he has made to date, but also the wealth of departmental knowledge he will bring to the role.
Jim Harra said:I’m delighted that Jim Harra has been appointed as Chief Executive and Permanent Secretary of HM Revenue and Customs. I’ve worked closely with Jim as we have prepared Britain for Brexit, and his experience and expertise mean he’s the right person to lead HMRC at this crucial time.
NotesI’m thrilled to take on the role of HMRC’s Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary, particularly at such a critical time. I have a deep respect for colleagues within this department and am proud that they are recognised as among the best in government. I’m very much looking forward to tackling the challenges and opportunities that we’ll face, together, including continuing our progress towards making HMRC the best tax and customs authority in the world.
This appointment has been made by the Prime Minister with the
agreement of the Chancellor for the Exchequer and Cabinet Secretary. It
follows an internal recruitment exercise.
Jim Harra has been interim Chief Executive since 1 October 2019 and Second Permanent Secretary since January 2018.
Previously Jim held the dual role of Tax Assurance Commissioner and Director General Customer Strategy and Tax Design in HMRC.
Jim Harra’s career began in HMRC’s predecessor, the Inland
Revenue as a tax inspector in 1984, and held a number of director-level
positions becoming director general for business tax in 2012.
Arrangements to appoint a successor as Second Permanent Secretary will be announced in due course.
Btw, I sense HMRC (even ultra-long-term) staffers are NOT AT ALL impressed by @jimharra
— HMRC - Sir Thom Jonson, Chief Excuse Officer (@HMRCon) October 29, 2019
Purely based on some comments we've seen following his recent internal update.
Frankly, he fares pretty shite in their own view.
Says a lot, doesn't it?@ken_frost @PMTC15
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Above all else, he is a tax inspector. Which is always a plus when running a tax department. Unlike some of the pointless specimens in plum jobs. Propaganda Poli and Penny Weetabix the theatre director, spring to mind.
ReplyDeleteIt's not like they were all queuing up for the poison chalice.
It might all change again in December depending on whether The Hood keeps his job.
I speak, objectively, as a former HMRC officer: well aware that for all the good and decent, past & present, staff at HMRC (and formerly predecessor departments), the organisation does, as a fact, have a culture of casual corruption. How does that manifest?Corrupt individuals, corrupt practices, cover-ups, law-breaking and a toxic staff bullying culture which not only harms staff but surely has a detrimental impact on operational performance.
ReplyDeleteTo move forward, HMRC absolutely needed someone with a fresh outlook, not somebody who is a key part of this entrenched culture by virtue of his senior management role over many years. Who really believes that he will reform the department and ensure corrupt staff past & present are brought to justice for their misconduct, and in some cases, their criminal law-breaking?
Look forward to this department continuing to fail the country.
The first item on the agenda is ensuring his subordinates have their noses to the grindstone.
All at the behest of this delightful individual and potential gong chaser Angela MacDonald. Comes from Aviva, says it all really.
Now, if I was working in Benefits and Credits, there are certain things I would be looking at. Particularly the GRIEVANCE proceedure and Equalities Act 2010
Do you have any caring responsibilites, what ever they may be?
Do you have any religious persuasion that is being infringed upon, either now or in the immediate future?
The 'Your Rights At Work' section on the ACAS website might be useful
If you think ANY of these may apply, I strongly suggest you speak to your local rep. IMMEDIATELY. If the filth start getting clever about requesting a meeting with your rep, I would advise them to make themselves aware of the Employment Relations Act 1999 and inwardly digest.
A few grievances on their desks to deal with, should have them earning their bloated salaries instead of making pretty graphs and forwarding emails. Who knows they might even rethink the policy altogether.
No Gong for you Angela....
A recent review of working at HMRC by an HMRC staff member as featured on indeed:
ReplyDelete"Bullying is rife, lazy fat people, very cliquey, 2 faced culture mangement are corrupt, do not trust your manager and they all stick together to stitch you up, they do nothing all day and get paid well for it...from the taxpayer...they are thieves. I wouldnt recommend my worse enemy to work there...don't do it, keep your sanity, always advertising because people keep leaving, full of liars and feminist women who hate men, equality law doesnt seem to be understood either, full of bigots"
Jim Harra - are you proud?
When does the staff survey come out?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't really matter.... senior management just cherry pick and spin what they like out of it.
DeleteBe interesting to see if Jim Harra acts on his concern for the pathetic wages paid to his lower grade staff after he mentioned it at the Public Accounts Committee....or will it be another case of fat boy Sir Jonathan Thompson crocodile tears syndrome ?
Be interesting to see what the survey says for the past year under Thompson, and then next year after Harra has been in charge.
ReplyDeleteHarra has been quoted as saying following his appointment:
"I have a deep respect for colleagues within this department and am proud that they are recognised as among the best in government"
I am sure he had his fingers crossed when he said it
Bloody Hell, if thats true, what are the other departments like FFS?|
ReplyDeleteRecognised by who though?
ReplyDeleteIf he has any respect he should fight Treasury to give HIS staff a proper pay rise, dump the just introduced 5 in 7 working pattern for Benefits and Credit staff, and get a grip on why two once great departments have become one that is disjointed and very unhappy.
And seeing as he is the one remaining Excom member that introduced BOF, explain why it wont fail (which it will).
@ 15.58 Thank you. Now let's see what happens now, and how soon he can start to get them introduced, and get the trust back of his staff.
ReplyDeleteThat's if his business plan gets signed off, of course.
I probably come across as being very cynical, but have heard similar things from Harra's predecessors over the past 12 years, I am hoping it's not just another precursor to a "my hands are tied" statement. He has the ability to change things.
Agreed above....I am nearly 30 years in this place and I have learnt not to trust a word any of EXCOM utter....this is the first time I have heard a member of senior management say anything like this in public....maybe I am being very naive... but please God let it be a start.
DeleteI don't hold out much hope though.
This rotten department has to change.
Don't get excited, chaps.
DeleteThe chances of an ultra-right Johnson government giving a decent pay rise to the Civil Service (below SCS level) are zero.
What about Corbyn and the left?
ReplyDeleteOr are you convinced that Boris will win the election?
Yes - I am convinced that Johnson will win. Big money plus most of the media usually helps. Plus most English people hate foreigners which will be an enormous advantage in a Brexit-based election.
ReplyDeleteBit of a sweeping statement there on the English.
DeleteSame for the Scots, Welsh and Irish? "All of them hate the English don't they?
Yes, but the Celts hatred of the English tends to be a big neighbour/small neighbour complex. Unlike the English they are not brought up to believe that the rest of the world is inferior to them.
DeleteIf you are interested in seeing how the commissioners of HMRC treat customers with utter contempt please take a look at Twitter @whatcanyoudo8 - would be grateful for any comments
ReplyDeleteDear @whatcanyoudo8,
DeleteI know little about your issues with HMRC, but empathise with anyone whose concerns are dismissed or, worse still, are treated with utter contempt.
Speaking as a former HMRC Officer who was unlawfully hounded out of the Department by a rogue Senior Officer manager, after a sustained period of bullying, I know only too well how dishonest and corrupt HMRC is. The way they covered up lawbreaking and bullying would make Mr Cummings blush. HMRC have a *very* bad relationship with the truth; you wonder how they sleep at night. There are some *very* senior people who were aware of the cover up and should have been sacked - their misconduct has not been forgotten; they know who they are. Having tolerated some very violent and persistent bullying, it took raising a grievance to realise just how corrupt they are and how they are prepared to literally throw truth tellers 'under the bus' if it doesn't suit their agenda. Ps. If you Google "HMRC staff bullying", it will give you an idea of just how deep the issues run.