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HMRC Is Shite (, also available via the domain, is brought to you by "The Living Brand"
It is a repeat of previous 'glitches', can these Muppets not have a clue about QA/QC, cause and effect or anything basic about process control e.g. the Lean Methodology or Pacesetter as I recall, has much focus upon process and problem solving, something to do with pokemoke or banzai I believe they refer to it as in secret oriental ceremonies with much use of secret words and signs and messages and emission statements.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, someone needs to look at this in the round or across the piste? How much time, stress and money has been wasted to attain these standards? Not forgetting the accolades, bonuses, revolving doors and gongs.
YCNMTSU, what the hell is being allowed to happen across the Civil Service if this is an example of CUSTOMER service then, it can't all be blamed on'common poprpoise' FFS?!
Shame on you HMRC, pathetic management and oversight spread about in extremis.
Somebody wasn't following the SWI. Or, they were thrown onto a job with minimal training. Like that never happens.
ReplyDeleteGet the HMRC non-jobbers (e.g. HR, communications etc) doing some productive work to, hopefully, possibly, reduce these endless errors. What do we pay these cretins for?
ReplyDeleteYet their first instinct remians that of instant blank denial (closely followed by unable to discuss individual cases, a review is in progress, lessons will be learned.)
ReplyDeleteRinse and repeat.
HMRC needs to go around everyone with a phone stuck to their ear all fucking day looking at a microsft project plan and ask them...what the fuck are you doing for your money? What value do you bring? Get rid of the wannabe managers.
ReplyDeleteOh, look what I found. "not in a position to comment at this time.." Too busy laughing their heads off I imagine. Nice One and Two bed apartments, six figures a pop. Right in the centre of Nottingham, next to the rail network and London. Won't have any problem shifting those, they will go like hotcakes. Shower of steaming shit.
Here's a little something about Mapeley and their antics. Doesn't it give you a nice warm glow?
Yes, but it is hardly news?
DeleteEntered link details and choices came up showing historic dates, having read subsequent days post, changed mind, ignore above! ;)
DeleteNope, double correction, the subsequent post does appear to relate to a historic article dated SUN JAN 13th 2013 ?
DeleteThanks for pointing out that the article was published 2013...I have just deleted my post about the article. Next time I should check the year not just the month!
ReplyDeleteFor something to consider in the interim, a partial cut and paste from a 2017 Special Report:-
ReplyDelete(It would appear to be reliable, given its source and is an eye opener to be read in full!)
What have been the main reasons for HMRC’s success in reducing average working days lost to sickness over the last decade?
There are a variety of contributing factors such as wellbeing, management focus, supporting colleagues, making reasonable adjustments where required and involving occupational health at the right time.
Long term absence is the most challenging. We have trained advocates in the business who can help people get the support they need.
What is the most innovative or interesting thing you are doing to promote wellbeing?
We’re trialling Health Kiosks in a number of buildings. They’re a very visible commitment to wellbeing and allow staff to monitor their weight, BMI, blood pressure etc, and get a bespoke report on how they can improve their health. Continuing to improve our wellbeing offering is an important part of planning our future regional centre workplaces too. We have also developed “occupational health plus” where a manager and individual can speak to an OH practitioner rather than it just being a paper referral. This provides a richer and clearer picture in order to help people back to work.
How has the proportion of absences attributed to mental health concerns changed in the last five years at HMRC?
Mental ill health, including stress, remains one of the reasons for our absence levels but we can see an improvement in the number of absences related to mental health through the use of our advocates, who offer outstanding support to individuals.
Early and supportive intervention is important in terms of helping people understand and cope with change, and maintain or return to full performance and attendance. Our new policy encourages managers to consider the support needed at day one where staff report a mental health problem, including taking occupational health advice. We know that organisational change is a well-documented stressor, and our wellbeing and mental health strategies include access to specialist clinical support for people who need that additional help. Communicating the scale and pace of transformation is key too, so we have an ongoing conversation with our staff about building the future HMRC and their part in that.
It is hard to compare figures between departments with confidence, because they each answered the parliamentary question in different ways. Some, for example, gave data on calendar years, others for financial years, while some reported absence caused by stress specifically and others absence caused by any mental health concern.
So, there you have it, questions have been tabled and 'answers' provided (whose stats?!).
Tabling questions only seems to get answers, when someone, as I have, has alleged civil and criminal lawbreaking by management then the responsibility on the Department (HMRC) is to refer the matter to the relevan authority to investigate, not undertake a within stream whitewash and ignoring of the facts and evidence.
If the relevant authority wishes to contact me via Ken and subsequently my legal advisors please feel free. The evidence exists in a number of locations, just in case ;)!
This is very interesting.
DeleteI would add, as an HMRC employee who has had two lengthy spells of sick leave with mental health issues, is that many GP's and therefore the medical profession are very familiar with HMRC's role in contributing to the fragile mental health of their staff.
I'm from an office in which many staff have been impacted.
Nothing has been done about psychopathic management so staff have learnt that HMRC policy is no real match for a system that will permit 6 months full pay with a medical certificate and a medical profession (who are also public servants) sympathetic and empathetic and caring.
Bullying HMRC management and HR should realise that their style is counter productive.
The NHS must hold a lot of data that indicates HMRC is a problematic and near criminal organisation.I do not think my office is unique, so the national data, if this could be obtained, would be damning if it got into the public domain.
There are enough clues in the annual dismal results in the People Survey.
Thompson & EXCOM must be aware of the scale of the problem.
Is it going to take a suicide or two before proper action is taken?
Or will certain divisions/offices just grind to a halt?
Thank you to to whoever posted about the civil service sickness absence article on Civil Service World. It is indeed very interesting.
DeleteNot surprising to read so many comments re HMRC given it's a CS-wide issue. Here is just one:
"A really good article but I found the interview with HMRC a little sickening to read though. The very fact of the extremely nasty bullying which goes on within the department, which some senior managers are only too happy to support sadly, disqualifies them from having anything instructive to say when it comes to promoting well being. Its a toxic workplace: when they understand and deal with that reality, things may move in a more positive direction for staff wellbeing."
I am one of HMRC's numerous victims. Currently undergoing support for PTSD, anxiety & depression caused by HMRC's violence. I agree with the above poster - there must be a large amount of data held by the NHS, GPs, private doctors, counselors, MPs, charities, solicitors, community law advice clinics, newspapers, trade union and others that indicates that this is an unruly organisation, with civil, social and criminal law breaking at an unacceptable scale.
My experience is that HMRC, and in particular local management, grievance investigators based at Nottingham Castle Meadow & Euston Tower, were plotting (a word THEY used in documents revealed from an SAR) with cretins in a HR division based in Manchester to cover up the law-breaking and drive me to suicide.
I was able to stand up to the large number of HMRC bullies but not without a significant cost to my health. I fear some others would cope even worse with HMRC's relentless attacks on bullying victims. The time for action is now, to protect the health of others at risk from HMRC in the future. We need a full, independent investigation with severe punishment for the guilty.
Advocate = some pretend wanabee doctor paid for by hmrc with zero medical experience and nil impartiality.
ReplyDeleteOr Doctor = Person trained for at least 7 years who has no alterior motive but the wellbeing of their patient. Hmm I know whose advice I would be following.
HMRC have a bit of a history with occupational health (OH) reports. HMRC pay the OH doctor but the doctor then acts according to the law, BMA regulations, medical judgement (underpinned by at least 7 years training plus vast experience as a practicing doctor) and the in the best interest of the patient (i.e. the HMRC jobholder).
DeleteThis causes problems because the professional advice from the OH doctor is 'unhelpful' to HMRC's hidden agenda.
In my own experience, a female manager (who I shall just call "Connolly" to protect the guilty) viewed OH as a punitive measure. She threatened me with it for being off sick for one day with work related mental ill health. I on the other hand welcomed it as a measure to help - it would create the opportunity to discuss bullying with someone independent. Realising that the the threat had not had the desired affect, she then failed to make the OH referral for 6 months, by which time the issues had got worse.
Eventually I saw the OH doctor who made recommendations which HMRC refused to implement contrary to the Equality Act 2010 and various employment laws. My manager was extremely butt hurt. Several months later and after more threats and intimidation (including not being allocated any work at all for several weeks at a time) my GP had recommended sick leave. At this point the manager then deviously contacted the OH doctor in an attempt to get him to alter his earlier recommendations based on her say so - this was a clear breach of the law.
There are no lengths to which rogue operators in the department will not sink and the introduction of 'advocates' is just one of their latest ploys!
The department has many hard working, honest, skilled and great individuals working for it - unfortunately they are undermined by an institutionally corrupt organisation with a number of psychopaths roaming free to cause chaos and all at a big loss to the exchequer.
We're not psychopaths, just gradually rooting out the shirkers and troublemakers.
ReplyDeleteHi there, do we have a fast tracker or HR waster here? Still not one ounce of remorse from you for wrecking lives and seeing strong performers hounded out of the department then. Surprise, surprise - psychopathic parasites.
DeleteSuperficially charming to superiors and downright nasty to lower grades. Looking out for number one and no empathy. My way or the highway despite no formal management qualifications.No acceptance of responsibility or apology when things go wrong. Scapegoating.
DeleteSeems to tick the box for PSYCHOPATH in my book.
I assume "troublemakers" are anyone who doesn't agree with you and has the experience and courage to voice it.
Delete"Shirkers" may also include those that won't take short cuts just to hit arbitrary and unfeasible targets.
Until HMRC sorts out its management it will soon have no one left to manage.
25 Jan 2019 @ 10:42
DeleteFuck off...and crawl back under your stone,you lick spittle.
DeleteStirred up a bit of a hornets nest somehow?
I doubt you meant to, but that seems to have been the effect.
However, if what you claim is true re. not being psychopaths, rooting out the shirkers and troublemakers it confirms that you must be a minion as those you refer to occupy the higher levels of HMRC.
Well done in that case for putting your views across so clearly.
HMRC staff seem to be saying it's, erm, well, CORRUPT!
DeletePerhaps taxpayers ('loan charge victims') have a legitimate case to question and challenge the honesty & integrity of HMRC ??
@10.42 You are obviously vastly inexperienced, as no doubt the "troublemakers" are those telling you how wrong so much is in HMRC, to who you do not listen to. All to soon there will be only arselickers left in HMRC, so best you start organising a circle (That's if you have an idea what a circle is, with out having a whiteboard conference about it, because you can only ever make your poor decisions by committee.