Existing clients of accountancy firms and tax advisers will transfer to newly-established Agent Services Accounts required to access HMRC under Making Tax Digital.
Agents will have to create a new Government Gateway credential, which will be able to be used by everyone at agents’ firms and will supersede existing ‘legacy’ systems, with all HMRC interfacing taking place under the auspices of the one account.
The new system will be able to transfer agents’ clients once they commence using Making Tax Digital themselves, whether through a pilot or through the wider rollout.
HMRC is quoted by CCH Daily:
"A mapping process allows an agent to link their existing agent codes to their Agent Services Account.Well then, good luck everyone!
Using this process agents won't need to re-authorise clients to see their Making Tax Digital data, HMRC will have the information it needs (the agent code) to honour the authority already granted by clients."
Tax does have to be taxing.
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HMRC Is Shite (www.hmrcisshite.com), also available via the domain www.hmrconline.com, is brought to you by www.kenfrost.com "The Living Brand"